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Title: Transkulturowość berlińskich Polaków


Szczepaniak-Kroll, Agnieszka

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Journal of Urban Ethnology 12 (2014)


Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN

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25 cm

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The article examines the phenomenon of transculturality among Polish migrants living in Berlin. This phenomenon occurs in the situations when cultural patterns of the country of origin and the new country of residence are practiced simultaneously, or when a completely new form evolves on the basis of those two different sources of patterns. In the case of Poles in Berlin, the phenomenon has been observed only recently and is associated with the opening of the borders and with the practice of transnational lifestyles. Balancing between different geographical areas and two or more cultures has become a part of everyday life for the post-EU accession migrants, while it is a symptom of a new era for those who remember the days of closed borders and who are trying to adjust to new circumstances. Examples from both groups demonstrate in which areas and with what effects the migrants take action to join both spheres of reality: the country of origin and the host state. This text is the second in a series of articles on the three aspects of transnationality, which consists of transmobility, transculturalism and transnational identity


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Journal of Urban Ethnology



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