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Poles in Berlin and London: different faces of migration success. Part 1 ; Journal of Urban Ethnology 18 (2020)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN
The article concerns Poles living in Berlin and London, who managed to deal with the integration proces and achieved personal success on various levels. Although the research used in the text concerned migrations that began in the 1980s and continue to this day, it particularly focuses on post-accession migrants. At the beginning, I have presented the research assumptions on which the studies were based and the conclusions drawn on their basis. I also have included methodological foundations of research. Next, I have discussed the situation of two West European cities, Berlin and London, in a migration context, and the specificity of the Polish group as seen against this background. The article is the first, introductory part of an integrated cycle. It isdeveloped in the text Poles in Berlin and London: different faces of migration success. Part 2 by Anna Szymoszyn, published in the same issue of JUE
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Feb 2, 2022
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Edition name | Date |
Szczepaniak-Kroll, Agnieszka, 2020, Polacy w Berlinie i Londynie: różne oblicza sukcesu migracyjnego. Część 1 | Feb 2, 2022 |
Szymoszyn, Anna
Szczepaniak-Kroll, Agnieszka Szymoszyn, Anna
Kertbeny, Károly Mária (1824–1882)
Rumpf, Johann Daniel Friedrich (1766–1838)
Grodzińska, Krystyna
Szczepaniak-Kroll, Agnieszka