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Journal of Urban Ethnology 12 (2014)
Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN
The history of women in the Balkans is not sufficiently represented in urban spaces due to the absence of symbols and signs with which women might identify. Through the decades, the memory about the women’s history, activism and heritage was suppressed and marginalized. It is difficult to find feminine street names in Novi Sad, Belgrade or Sarajevo, whilst monuments and memorial plaques usually bear the names of men. Facing this reality, many women’s organizations and independent activists develop projects and take actions in order to restore the forgotten and unknown feminine past, describe their lives and symbolically connect them with specific spaces. Many of such projects contain innovative cartographic and topographical works and performances in urban spaces. The aim of the article is to examine the activists’ struggles and attempts to bring the women back from the urban and social oblivion
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Sztandara, Magdalena, 2014, Brakujące światy. Miasto z perspektywy kobiet | Apr 11, 2021 |
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