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Title: Zmiany sieci hydrograficznej na obszarze Kotliny Jeleniogórskiej od XVIII w. = Changes to the hydrographic network in the Jelenia Góra Basin since the 18th century


Przegląd Geograficzny T. 96 z. 3 (2024)



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24 cm


The text presents an analysis of the transformation of hydrographic network in the Jelenia Góra Basin from the late 18th century to 2015. At the beginning of this period, the total length of watercourses was estimated at 553.25 km, with the highest density observed in the southern, southeastern, and western parts of the basin. The landscape was dominated by natural, meandering watercourses. In the early 20th century, the length of watercourses increased to 697.9 km due to significant human interventions. These interventions included the creation of rectilinear canals for agricultural and industrial purposes, such as mills. The western part of the basin had the highest concentration of watercourses, primarily in the catchments of rivers like Kamienna, Wrzosówka, and Podgórna. During the era of the Rzeczpospolita Polska (1983‑1984), the total length of watercourses expanded to 894.1 km, which represents a substantial increase of 28% over 50 years. This growth was particularly evident in the proliferation of regular, straight drainage ditches, which were developed to support agricultural activities and the flood control system established in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Podgórzyn farm ponds and the Cieplice dry retention reservoir have become focal points for dense watercourse networks. However, by 2015, the total length of watercourses had decreased to 811.94 km, indicating a decline of 9% compared to the second half of the 20th century. Despite this reduction, certain areas, particularly in the southwestern part of the basin, have seen an expansion of water bodies, such as farm ponds and dry retention reservoirs. Moreover, smaller regions within the basin showed higher concentrations of watercourses, especially in agricultural areas between Jelenia Góra and Mysłakowice, and between Kowary and Ścięgny During the late 18th century, the Jelenia Góra Basin had an extensive network of water reservoirs covering 7.62 km2 , which played crucial roles in the economy, protection, and aesthetics of the area. Notable among these were the ponds managed by the Cistercian Order and those owned by the King of Prussia. These reservoirs were instrumental not only for agricultural and industrial purposes but also for enhancing the ornamental beauty of the landscape, especially in park settings established by affluent individuals. However, during the first half of the 20th century, the total area of water reservoirs significantly declined to 1.78 km2 . This reduction can be attributed to various factors, including urbanization, changes in land use patterns, and alterations in hydrological systems. Despite this decline, new water reservoirs emerged, particularly on private estates, showcasing a shift in ownership and management patterns. In the latter half of the 20th century, the total area of standing waters increased to 2.06 km2 , mainly due to industrial processes requiring the creation of new reservoirs. However, some reservoirs disappeared during this period due to urban development projects and industrial expansions. By 2015, there was a significant resurgence in the total area of reservoirs, expanding to 3.23 km2 , representing a 57% increase since the mid-20th century. The growth mentioned above was characterised by the emergence of large-scale reservoirs, such as the ‘Sosnówka’ reservoir, which signalled significant environmental modifications. Furthermore, the rehabilitation of pond complexes and the creation of new private fishponds contributed to the revitalisation of the basin’s water landscape. In essence, the analysis underscores the dynamic interplay between human activities, industrialization, and environmental conservation in shaping the hydrographic network of the Jelenia Góra Basin over several centuries, reflecting the complex socio-environmental dynamics inherent to such landscapes.


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