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Research Centre for the Protection of Nature and Natural Resources of the Polish Academy of Sciences
21 cm ; ilustracje ; bibliografia na stronie 71 ; ISSN 0009-6172
Berg G. 1927. Zur Geomorphologie des Riesengebirges. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 2: 1-20.
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Demek J. 1964. Slope development in granite areas of Bohemian massif (Czechoslovakia). Zeitschrift für eomorphologie N.F., Suppl.-Bd. 5: 82-106.
Dumanowski B. 1967. Site III. Pielgrzymy. W: Guide to Excursion of the Symposium of the Commission on the Evolution of Slopes and of the Commission on Periglacial Geomorphology of the International Geographical Union. Poland - September 1967, s. 18-19.
Gürich G. 1914. Die geologischen Naturdenkmäler des Riesengebirges. Beiträge zur Naturdenkmalpflege 4: 141–324 Berlin.
Jahn A. 1962. Geneza skałek granitowych. Czas. Geogr. 33, 1: 19-44.
Mierzejewski M. P. 1985. Geologia granitowa części Karkonoszy. W: Karkonosze polskie. Ossolineum, s. 17-42, Wrocław.
Pawlak R. 1987. Odkrywka geologiczna w Miłkowie. Wszechświat 88, 9-10: 200-201.
Twidale C. R. 1982. Granite landforms. Elsevier, ss. 372, Amsterdam.
Wilhelmy H. 1958. Klimamorphologie der Massengesteine. Westermann, ss. 238, Braunschweig.
Let's protect Our Indigenous Nature
Bibl. IOP PAN, sygn. F 2, II 293/cz, II 324/cz
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Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Science
Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Science
Apr 5, 2023
Dec 13, 2019
Michniewicz, Aleksandra
Alexandrowicz, Stefan Witold (1930– )
Alexandrowicz, Zofia
Gonera, Małgorzata