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Title: Nowa poezja tubylczej Ameryki. Jaka rzeka płynie przez ciało NDN


Kuligowski, Waldemar ORCID

Date issued/created:


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Teksty Drugie Nr 5 (2020)



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21 cm ; Tekst pol., streszcz. ang.


1. D. G. Brinton, Aboriginal American authors and their productions: especially those in the native languages. a chapter in the history of literature, Philadelphia 1883.
2. N. Curtis, The Indians’ book: an offering by the American Indians of Indian lore, musical and narrative, to form a record of the songs and legends of their race, Harpers and Brothers Publishers, New York and London 1907.
3. H. E. Erdrich, Introduction. Twenty-one poets for the twenty-first century, w: New poets of native nations, red. H. E. Erdrich, Greywolf Press, Minneapolis 2018.
4. L. Erdrich, Leki na miłość, przeł. M. Konikowska, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, Warszawa 1998.
5. Grove Day The sky clears: poetry of the American Indians, Macmillan, New York – Boston – Chicago – Dallas – Atlanta – San Francisco 1951.
6. Harper’s anthology of the 20th century native American poetry, red. D. Niatum, HarperCollins Publishers, New York 1988.
7. In the trail of the wind: American Indian poems and ritual orations, red. J. Bierhorst, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York 1971.
8. M. Kenny, Tinselled bucks: an historical study in Indian homosexuality, “Gay Sunshine” Winter 1975-1976 nr 26-27.
9. M. Kenny, Winkte, w (tegoż) Only as far as Brooklyn, Boston, Good Gay Poets 1979.
10. W. Kuligowski, Trzecia płeć. Koncepcje płciowości w tubylczych kulturach Indian Ameryki Północnej, w: Indianie Kalinago i inni…. Referaty Seminariów Antropologicznych 2001-2008, red. A. J. R. Wala, K. Baliszewska, Atlantic City-Wielichowo, TIPI 2009.
11. A. Mainen, Back to the body: an interview with Natalie Diaz, “Sampsonia Way. An Online Magazine for Literature, Free Speech&Social Justice”, Februry 22, 2018, https://www.sampsoniaway.org/blog/2018/02/22/back-to-the-body-an-interview-with-natalie-diaz/ (25.02.2020).
12. The magic world: American Indian songs and poems, red. W. Brandon, Morrow, New York 1971.
13. H. Monroe, Editorial comment. Aboriginal poetry, „Poetry: A Magazine of Verse” 1917 vol. IX, nr 5.
14. D. Niatum, Preface, w. Harper’s anthology Harper’s anthology of the 20th century native American poetry, red. D. Niatum, HarperCollins Publishers, New York 1988.
15. S. Occom, A Short narrative of my mife, Berlin 1982, http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5788/ (2002.2020).
16. The Path on the rainbow: an anthology of songs and chants from the Indians of North America, red. G. W. Cronyn, przedmowa M. Austin, posłowie L. Skinner, Boni and Liveright, New York 1918.
17. S. Pokagons, O-gîî-mäw-kwĕ Mit-i-gwä-kî (Queen of the woods). Also brief sketch of the Algaic language, C. H. Engle Publisher, Hartford 1899.
18. Shaking the pumpkin: traditional poetry of the Indian North Americas, red. J. Rothenburg, Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, New York 1972.
19. G. N. Westerman, Follow the blackbirds, Michigan State University Press, East Lansing 2013.
20. The Winged serpent: an anthology of American Indian prose and poetry, red. M. Astrov, John Day Company, New York 1946.
21. Voices from Wah’Kon-Tah. Contemporary poetry of native Americans, red. R. K. Dodge, J. McCullough, przedmowa V. Deloria Jr., International Publishers, New York 1974.
22. Yellow Bird, The Life and adventures of Joaquin Murieta, the celebrated California bandit, W.R. Cook and Company, San Francisco 1854.


Teksty Drugie



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oai:rcin.org.pl:209702 ; 0867-0633 ; 0.18318/td.2020.5.12


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