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21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
1. Camp E., Two varieties of literary imagination: metaphor, fiction, and thought experiments, “Midwest Studies in Philosophy” 2009, t. 33, s. 107-130.
2. Camp, E., Why metaphors make good insults: perspectives, presupposition, and pragmatics, “Philosophical Studies” 2017, nr 174, s. 47-64.
3. Cohen T., Metaphor and the cultivation of intimacy, “Critical Inquiry” 1978, t. 5, nr 1, 3-12.
4. Constantine D., Poetry, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2013.
5. Darwall S., The Second-person standpoint: morality, respect, and accountability, Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA 2006.
6. Eilan N., The you turn, “Philosophical Explorations” 2014, t. 17, nr 3. s. 265-278.
7. Gibson J., Empathy, w: The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Literature, red. N. Carroll, J. Gibson, Routledge, New York 2016, s.234-246.
8. Helm B., Emotional reason: deliberation, motivation and the nature of value, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2007.
9. Helm B., Love, Friendship and the self: intimacy, identification and the social nature of persons, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2012.
10. Iser W., The act of reading, Routledge, Londyn 1978.
11. John, E., Poetry and directions for thought, “Philosophy and Literature” 2013, t. 37, nr 2, s. 451-471.
12. Jollimore T., ‘Like a picture or a bump on the head’: vision, cognition, and the language of poetry, “Midwest Studies in Philosophy” 2009, t. 33, s. 131-158.
13. Lamarque P., The elusiveness of poetic meaning, “Ratio” 2009, nr 22, s. 398-420.
14. Longworth G., You and me, “Philosophical Explorations” 2014, t. 17, nr 3, 289-303.
15. Olson Ch., Projective verse, w: Collected prose, red. D. Allen, B. Friedlander, University of California Press, Berkeley 1997.
16. Pinsky R., Democracy, culture and the voice of poetry, Princeton University Press, Princeton 2002.
17. Rankine C., Obywatel [Citizen: an American lyric], Graywolf Press, Minneapolis 2014.
18. Ribeiro A. Ch., Toward a philosophy of poetry, “Midwest Studies in Philosophy” 2009, nr 33, s. 61-77.
19. Rosenblatt L. M., Literature as exploration, MLA, Nowy Jork 1983, wyd. III.
20. Schwartz A., On being seen: an interview with Claudia Rankine from Ferguson, “New Yorker”, 22.08. 2014.
21. Simecek K., Beyond narrative: poetry, emotion and the perspectival View, "British Journal of Aesthetics 2015, t. 55, nr 4, s. 497-513.
22. Vendler H., Invisible listeners: lyric intimacy in Herbert, Whitman, and Ashbery, Princeton University Press, Princeton 2005.
23. Walton K., In other shoes: music, metaphor, empathy, existence, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2015.
24. Zamir T., Unethical acts, “Philosophical Quarterly” 2012, t. 63 nr 251, s. 353-373. ; 0867-0633 ; 10.18318/td.2020.5.25
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Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS
Sep 20, 2021
Sep 13, 2021
Edition name | Date |
Simecek K. - Pielęgnowanie intymności – użycie drugiej osoby gramatycznej w poezji lirycznej | Sep 20, 2021 |
Koziebrodzki, Józef.
Carpenter, Bogdana