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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The aim of the paper is to discuss selected verbal behaviours of salesmen, in the context of the Polish culturalmodel, including the Polish communication style and the politeness maxims. In addition, the authorexplains the relation between the presented linguistic phenomena and the cultural trends in the Westernworld or the Anglo-American cultural patterns. The analysis proves that the language behaviours of salesmen,such as decreasing language distance (through addressing customers informally or using colloquiallanguage), excessive expression of „good feelings” (particularly enthusiasm), as well speaking of oneselfin superlatives, are not compatible with Polish cultural code, including the rules of language politeness andcommunication style. Only the strategy of pressurizing corresponds with traditional verbal customs of Poleswhile the assessment of giving compliments is not clear and certain. The material of the paper includes boththe recordings of authentic talks between salesmen and customers, the heard snatches of conversationsand the selected materials and books about effective business communication.
10.17651/SOCJOLING.34.6 ;
Mar 3, 2021
Mar 2, 2021
Edition name | Date |
Polish Cultural Model and Conversation between Salesman and Customer / Pałka, Patrycja | Mar 3, 2021 |
Banasiak, Dagmara
Buczyńska-Garewicz, Hanna
Orzeł, Joanna
Gallus, Józef (1860–1945)