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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The article is a demo version of The Seven Sieves Technique in its author’s adaptation to the Slavic lan¬guages family. The illustration (based on Czech-Polish material) is preceded by a theoretical introduction related to the background of research on intercomprehensiveness and methodological assumptions of the technique. The Seven Sieves Technique allows you to acquire the informational value of a message written in a closely related foreign language to your native one in the following steps („sieves”). Uses linguistic competences from native language extended only by elementary knowledge of interlingual analogies. It is an alternative to the classic glottodidactic process in the field of non-professional (i.e. primarily active and normative) use of a foreign language. The article refers to prior publications that have dealt with the issue of the phenomenon of inter-language communication, mutual comprehensibility and interpretation of the phenomenon of interlanguage homonymy (Hofmański 2018, 2019).
10.17651/SOCJOLING.34.13 ;
Mar 3, 2021
Mar 2, 2021
Murrmann, Julia Magdalena
Linda-Grycza, Katarzyna
Konczewska, Katarzyna
Maciąg-Fiedler, Agnieszka