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Title: Changes in meadow ecosystems as consequence of secondary succession and plant diversity (synthesis of research)


Kajak, Anna ; Wasilewska, Lucyna

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Changes in meadow ecosystems ; Plant and animal diversity, succession and decomposition processes in grasslands : case studies in Suwałki Landscape Park (north-eastern Poland)


Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii


Oficyna Wydawnicza Instytutu Ekologii PAN

Place of publishing:

Dziekanów Leśny


Pages 839-859 ; 27 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 856-859) ; Abstract in Polish

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The decomposition process of Dactylis glomerata and the accumulation rate of organic matter was compared in meadows differing in the time since tillage ceased. Over time number of plant species in the sward and the diversity of the majority of analysed invertebrate groups increased. The youngest meadows were characterized by maximal variability in environmental conditions and variation in the numbers of several dominant invertebrate populations. Litter bags exposed in this meadow were colonized rapidly by bacteria, but slowly by microarthropods, compared to older meadows. The lowest accumulation of total organic carbon and humus fractions was also found in mesocosms inserted in soil profile of these meadows. The community structure of invertebrates colonizing mesocosms was characteristic for ecosystems under stress. Relatively high proportion of small organisms (bacteria, bacteriphagic invertebrates) stimulating the mineralization rate of organic matter were recorded.


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