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Fabczak, Jacek ; Szarek, Józef ; Markiewicz, Kazimierz ; Smoczyński, Stefan ; Skibniewska, Krystyna
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii
Oficyna Wydawnicza Instytutu Ekologii PAN
Pages 153-159 : illustrations ; 27 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 158-159) ; Abstract in Polish ; Cormorants in Europe. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cormorants in Europe.Gdańsk, Poland 13-17 April 1993
The livers of cormorants shot at the natural ponds near Warlity and Sorkwity in north-eastern Poland were used in the study. The pathomorphological changes of the livers and the contamination of chlorinated hydrocarbons and heavy metals were studied. Degree of pathomorphological changes of the cormorant liver depends on the contents of chlorinated hydrocarbons and heavy metals.
1. Amarowicz R., Smoczyński S., Borejszo Z. 1986 - The sample method of extraction of chlorinated hydrocarbons from lipids - Roczn. PZH 37: 542-545.
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3. Fabczak J., Szarek J., Markiewicz K., Markiewicz E., Felsmann M. Z. 1994 – Pathomorphological patterns of the liver in the coot from north-middle Poland, with regard to heavy metal content - Abstracts of the 3-rd Meeting of Central and Eastern European Regional Section of Secotox, 36, Balatonalioga, Hungary, 14-19 May, 1994.
4. Górski T., Syrowatka T. 1979 - Uproszczona metoda rozdziału i oznaczania pozostałości pestycydów chloroorganicznych i polichlorowanych dwufenyli w tkance tłuszczowej człowieka (Simplified method of distribution and designation of residue chloroorganic pesticides and polichlorinated diphenyls in human fat tissue] - Rocz. PZH 30: 57-65 (In: Polish).
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7. Reisenbrough R. W. 1986 - Pesticides and bird populations - Cur. Ornithol. 3: 397-427.
8. Szarek J., Rotkiewicz T., Fabczak J. 1992 - Wpływ kadmu i selenu na obraz histopatologiczny narządów wewnętrznych kurcząt brojlerów [Effect of cadmium and selenium on the histopathological pattern of internal organs in broiler chickens] - Patologia Polska 43: 139 (In: Polish).
9. Szarek J., Fabczak J., Smoczyński S., Markiewicz K., Skibniewska K. 1995 – Preliminary investigations on pathology of the liver in grey heron (Ardea cinerea) from north-eastern Poland - Arch. Environ. Prot. 3-4: 213-227.
10. Walker C. H., Johnston G. O., Dawson A. 1993 - Enhancement of toxicity due to the interaction of pollutans at the toxicokinetic level in birds - Sci. Total. Environ., suppl. 1: 525-531.
11. Zantopoulos N., Antonio V., Tsoukali-Papadopoulou H. 1992 - Lead concentrations in plants and animal tissues - J. Environ. Sci. Health A27: 1453-1458.
12. Zasadowski A., Buszko M. 1988 - The role of some biochemically active elements in an animal organisms - Acta Acad. Agricult. Techn. Olst. Veterinaria 17: 167-181. ; ISSN 0420-9036
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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