RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Experimentally increased fish stock in the pond type lake Warniak. 4, Feeding of introduced and autochthonous non-predatory fish


Prejs, Andrzej

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Feeding of introduced and autochthonous non-predatory fish ; Eksperymentalne zwiększenie obsady ryb w stawowym jeziorze Warniak. 4, Odżywianie się introdukowanych i autochtonicznych ryb niedrapieżnych


Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ecology


Państwowe Wydawnictwa Naukowe

Place of publishing:



Pages 465-505 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 499-503) ; Abstract in Polish

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Carp, bream and tench feed mainly on bottom fauna and fauna associated with plants, crucian carp – on zooplankton, and roach prefer plant food (first of all the macrophytes). In the years of studies together with the increase of fish stock their grazing intensity decreased and their feeding habits changed. The fish mainly ate the bottom fauna and fauna associated with plants, to a lesser extent zooplankton and slightly plant communities. In the year with the most numerous fish stock the introduced species (carp and bream) ate about 60% of biomass of bottom fauna and fauna associated with plants, and about 30% of zooplankton biomass consumed by the whole community of non-predatory fish. Data on the differentiation of the distribution of basic feeding grounds of particular fish species, are presented.


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