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Phenology and breeding success of collared flycatcher ; Fenologia i powodzenie lęgów u populacji muchołówki białoszyjej, Ficedula albicollis (Temm.) w Puszczy Niepołomickiej (południowa Polska)
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ecology
Pages 219-228 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (page 227) ; Abstract in Polish
The Collared Flycatcher, Ficedula albicollis (Temm.) arrives in the Niepołomice Forest during the period from April 10th-20th, depending on the early spring temperature. The start of clutches is affected by the temperature prevailing not more than 10 days before the first egg is laid. The average size of 120 complete hatches was 6.1 eggs (min. 3, max. 8 eggs), clutches containing 6 eggs being most frequently observed (55.8%), In 1970 losses from the time the first eggs were laid up to the advanced fledgling stage was 28.2%. In 1968 and 1969 losses were far higher (49.2% and 71.6%), which is explained as primarily due to working methods. In 1970 population increase was 4.7 nestlings per breeding pair.
1. Balat, F, 1971 - Clutch size and mortality among the young of the Collared Flycatcher, Ficedula albicollis (Temm.), in Southern and Central Moravia - Zool. Listy, 20: 161-175.
2. Creutz, G. 1955 - Der Trauerschnapper [Muscicapa hypoleuca (Pallas)]. Eine Populationsstudie – J. Orn. 96: 241-326.
3. Dementev , G, P., Gladkov, N. A. 1954 - Pticy Sovetskogo Sojuza Vol. 6 - Moskva, 792 pp.
4. Haartman, L. 1951 - Der Trauerfliegenschnapper. II. Populations probleme - Acta zool. fenn. 67: 5-60.
5. Lack, D. 1954 - The natural regulation of animal numbers - Oxford, 343 pp.
6. Lohrl, H. 1957 - Populationsokologische Untersuchungen beim Halsbandschnapper (Ficedula albicollis) - Bonn. zool. Beitr. 8: 130-177.
7. Mac Arthur, R., Connel, J. 1966 - The biology of populations - New York, 200 pp.
8. Mackowicz, R., Pinowski, J., Wieloch M. 1970 - Biomass production by House Sparrow (Passer d. domesticus L.) and Tree Sparrow (Passer m. montanus L .) populations in Poland - Ekol. Pol. 18: 465-501.
9. Matousek, B. 1963 - Faunisticky prechlad Slovenskeho vtactva, c. III - Prirodov. Sb. Slov. Muz. Bratislava, 9: 68-139.
10. Mauersberger, G., Portenko, L. A. 1960 - Muscicapa albicollis Temminck und Muscicapa semitorquata Homeyer (Atlas der Verbreitung palearktischer Vogel. Eds. E. Stresemann und L. A. Portenko) - Berlin.
11. Miczyński, K. 1962 - Ptaki Dublan (Ukraińska SRR) - Acta orn. Warszawa, 6: 117-180.
12. Sokołowski, J. 1958 - Ptaki ziem polskich Vol. I - Warszawa, 441 pp.
13. Tomiałojć, L. 1972 - Ptaki polskie - Warszawa, 303 pp.
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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