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Production and utilisation in Partridge ; Przyrost zrealizowany, śmiertelność i struktura płciowa populacji kuropatw (Perdix perdix L.) a jej użytkowanie łowieckie w Polsce
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ecology
Pages 617-650 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 647-649) ; Abstract in Polish
The material used in this study was obtained during the period from 1965-1968 in several ways: from Partridges caught for export by trapping, during the purchase of shot partridges, by direct observations and by means of game census questionnaires sent out to members of the shooting public. Calculation was made of realized production and mortality in Poland, percentage of flock affected by shoots, indices of use made of areas covered by shoots, and percentage of population affected by shoots. This last percentage was compared with theoretical values of permissible utilization in the gradient of realized production, estimating actual utilization as below pennissible level. Sex ratio in a free-living population of Partridge was defined for different periods. A description was given of the mechanism forming the sex structure of a population and the effect on this structure of the utilization operations employed. Some of the parameters describing shooting which are of importance to the population are presented. Investigation was also made of variations in weight of young and adult Partridges during the annual cycle, particularly during the open season.
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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