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Estimation of the effect of phytophagous insects on the vascular plant biomass of the meadow ; The effect of phytophagous insects on the vascular plant biomass ; Badania produktywności dwóch typów łąk w dolinie Wisły. 7, Ocena wpływu roślinożernych owadów na biomasę roślin naczyniowych łąki
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ecology
Pages 173-182 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (page 181) ; Abstract in Polish
The joint effect of the whole phytophagous invertebrate fauna on the amount of biomass produced by vascular plants was investigated in two meadow associations: Stellario-Deschampsietum, ord. Molinietalia, and Arrhenatheretum elatioris, ord. Arrhenatheretalia. In a field experiment the crop of plants in areas from which insects had been eliminated (by insecticides) was compared with the crop of plants infested by insects. The presence of this fauna resulted in a noticeably lower growth rate of plants; the maximum of biomass was retarded, and consequently the crop was lower.
1. Andrzejewska. L. 1967 - Estimation of the effects of feeding of the sucking insect Cicadella viridis L. (Homoptera-Auchenorrhyncha) on plants (Secondary productivity of terrestrial ecosystems Ed: K. Petrusewicz) - Warszawa-Kraków, 791-805 pp.
2. Andrzejewska, L., Wójcik, Z. 1970 - The influence of feeding of Acridoidea of meadow on the primary production (field experiment) - Ekol. Pol. 17: 91-109.
3. Borys, M. 1964 - Wpływ fungicydów i insektycydów na procesy fizjologiczne traktowanych roślin - Post. Nauk roln. 2(86): 57-82.
4. Dvorak, J., Stanek, J. 1968 - The response of woody fruit species to different concentrations of simazine in the soil - Ochr. Rost. 4: 65-74.
5. Encyklopedia Ochrony Roślin 1963 - Warszawa, 934 pp.
6. Kochman, J., Węgorek, W., (Ed.) 1963 - Ochrona roślin - Warszawa.
7. Miksiewicz, M. 1963 - Ochrona roślin - Warszawa.
8. Nuorteva, P. 1962 - Studies on the causes of the phytopathogenicity of Calligypona pellucida (F.) (Homoptera, Aeropidae) - Ann. Zool. "Vanamo" 23: 1-58.
9. Ricou, G., Duval, E. 1969 - Influence of leafhoppers upon some meadow grasses - Z. angew. Ent. 63: 163-173.
10. Traczyk, T. 1966 - Plant communities of Strzeleckie Meadows in Kampinos Forest - Ekol. Pol. A. 14: 285-300.
11. Traczyk, T. 1971 - Productivity investigation of two types of meadows in the Vistula Valley. I. Geobotanical description and primary production - Ekol. Pol. 19: 93-106.
12. Varley, G. C., Gradwell, G. R., 1958 - Oak defoliators in England - Proc. 10th int. Congr. Entomol. Montreal 1956, 4: 133-136.
13. Wiegert, R. 1964 - Population energetics of meadow spittlebugs (Philaenus spumarius L.) as affected by migration and habitat - Ecol. Monogr. 34: 217-241.
14. Zalecenia ogólne na rok 1969 dotyczące chemicznego zwalczania chorób, szkodników oraz chwastów roślin uprawnych (General recomendations for 1969 pertaining to the chemical control of diseases, pests and weeds of cultivated plants) - Instytut Ochrony Roślin, Poznań 1969.
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2025
May 28, 2019
Andrzejewska, Lucyna
Breymeyer, Alicja
Traczyk, Tadeusz
Czerwiński, Zbigniew
Nowak, Ewa
Kajak, Anna Breymeyer, Alicja Pętal, Joanna
Makulec, Grzegorz
Kajak, Anna