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Title: Lwowskie „Święto Batiara” – nowa kultura miejska na kanwie tradycji


Pawlik, Jacek Jan

Date issued/created:


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Journal of Urban Ethnology 14 (2016)

Place of publishing:



24 cm

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Local authorities of many cities are seeking events which would add splendour to their place and draw attention of numerous tourists. In search for the inspiration they often go back to former religious or secular traditions. The Lviv’s Batyar Festival is a good example of such an attempt to revive the attractiveness of the city. This article is an attempt to answer the question to what extent the Batyar Festival is restoring the old tradition or is a new invention. The figure of a batyar is strongly associated with Lviv, but in the history of the thirty years of the interwar period it had had a national overtone. Today, when Lviv belongs to Ukraine, this fact, quite naturally, is being left unsaid. The batyar is assuming a supranational character, and the Batyar Festival offers an opportunity for entertainment and for the promotion of the city. Replacing celebration of the May Day, it moves the accent from extolling the working class to the community of entertainment


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Journal of Urban Ethnology



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