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Villegas, Maria Angeles ; Agua, Fernando ; Conde, Juan-Felix ; Garcia-Heras, Manuel
Archaeologia Polona Vol. 46 (2008)
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
Historical glasses are a valuable part of cultural heritage. Through many ages glasses have been exposed to burial and atmospheric conditions: water, sunlight, wind, temperature changes, biological activity, human devastation (restorations, hard cleaning procedures, vandalism), and from the beginning of 20th century a strong environmental pollution. These damaging factors caused irreversible changes in the glass structure and corroded both the bulk and surface of glass. This work describes glass deterioration, explains corrosion mechanisms and introduces analytical methods used in scientific research oriented to attain the knowledge for better conservation strategies. The present work also includes literature references on weathering mechanisms, state of conservation, surface features of historical glasses from Roman to modern ones and focuses on advanced analytical methods (e.g., secondary ion mass spectrometry SIMS, atomic force microscopy AFM, proton induced X-ray emission PIXE, proton induced gammaray emission PIGE, Laser induced breakdown spectrometry LIBS, etc.) Additionally, some aspects connected with preventive conservation and the application of two kinds of sensors (environmental optical sensors and sensors to control glass corrosion) will be addressed
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Carmona, N., L. Laiz, J.M. González, M. García-Heras, M.A. Villegas and C. Saiz-Jiménez 2006a. Biodeterioration of historic stained glasses from the Cartuja de Miraflores (Spain). International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 58 (3–4): 155–61
Carmona, N., M. Oujda, S. Gaspard, M. García-Heras, M.A. Villegas and M. Castillejo 2007a. Lead determination in glasses by LIBS. Spectrochimica Acta Part B 62 (2): 94–100
Carmona, N., E. Herrero, J. Llopis and M.A. Villegas 2007b. Chemical sol-gel based sensors for evaluation of environmental humidity. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 126: 455–60
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