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Kalinowska-Blackwood, Izabela : Tł. ; Nycz, Ryszard.
1. E. Abel, (E) Merging Identities: The Dynamics of Female Friendship in Contemporary Fiction by Women, „Signs" 6, Spring 1981, s. 434.
2. M. Adams „Jane Eyre": Woman's Estate, w: Authority of Experience, ed. A. Diamond and R. Edwards, Amherst 1977.
3. E. Ardener, Belief and the Problem of Women, w: Perceiving Women, ed. S. Ardener, London 1975, s. 3.
4. N. Auerbach, Feminist Criticism Reviewed, w: Gender and Literary Voice, ed. J. Todd, New York 1980, s. 258.
5. N. Auerbach, recenzja z Madwoman, „Victorian Studies" 23, Summer 1980, s. 506.
6. N. Baym, Woman's Fiction: A Guide to Novels by and about Women in Amerika. 1820-1870, Ithaca 1978.
7. R. Blau Du Plessis, Washing Blood, „Feminist Studies" 4, June 1978, s. 10.
8. C. G. Burke, Report from Paris: Women's Writing and the Women's Movement, „Signs" 3, Summer 1978, s. 844, 851.
9. R. Chase, The Brontes; or, Myth Domesticated, w: Jane Eyre, New York 1971.
10. N. Chodorow i in., On The Reproduction of Mothering: A Methodological Debate, „Signs" 6, Spring 1981.
11. H. Cixous, The Laugh of the Medusa, trans. K. and P. Cohen, „Signs" 1, Summer 1976, s. 878.
12. G. A. Craig, The Unpoetic Compromise: On the Relation between Private Vision and Social Order in Nineteenth-Century English Fiction, w: Self and Society, ed. M. Schorer, New York 1956.
13. T. Diggory, Armoured Women, Naked Men: Dickinson, Whitman, and Their Successors, w: Shakespeare's Sisters: Feminist Essays on Women Poets, ed. S.M. Gilbert, S. Gubar, Bloomington 1979.
14. J. Donovan, Afterward: Critical Revision, w: Feminist Literary Criticism: Explorations in Theory, ed. J. Donovan, Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1975, s. 74.
15. M. A. Doody, George Eliot and the Eighteenth-Century Novel, „Nineteenth-Century Fiction" 35, December 1980, s. 267-268.
16. A. Douglas, The Feminization of American Culture, New York 1977.
17. A. Douglas Mrs., Sigourdney and the Sensibility of the Inner Space, „New England Quaterly" 45, June 1972.
18. R. Ellmann, James Joyce: A Biography, London 1959, s. 306-308.
19. S. Felman, Women and Madness: The Critical Phallacy, „Diacritics" 5, Winter 1975, s. 10.
20. J. Fetterley, The Resisting Reader: A Feminist Approach to American Fiction, Bloomington 1978, s. VIII.
21. E. Freeman, Insights: Conversations with Theodor Reik, New York 1971, s. 166.
22. N. Furman, The Study of Women and Language: Comment on Vol. 3, No. 3, „Signs" 4, Autumn 1987, s. 182.
23. J. Gallop, The Ladies' Man, „Diacritics" 6, Winter 1976.
24. C. Geertz, The Interpretation of Cultures, New York 1973, s. 241-242.
25. S.M. Gilbert, Costumes of the Mind: Transvestism as Metaphor in Modern Literature, „Critical Inquiry" 7, Winter 1980.
26. S.M. Gilbert, What Do Feminist Critics Want? A Postcard from the Volcano, w: The New Feminist Criticism: essays on women, literature, and theory, ed. E. Showalter, New York 1985, s. 36.
27. S.M. Gilbert, S. Gubar, The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination, New Haven 1979, s. 6-7, 50.
28. G. Hartman, Criticism in the Wilderness: The Study of Literature Today, New Haven 1980.28. G. Hartman, Criticism in the Wilderness: The Study of Literature Today, New Haven 1980.
29. C.G. Heilburn, C. R. Stimpson, Theories of Feminist Criticism: A Dialogue, w: Feminist Literary Criticism, ed. J. Donovan, Lexington 1975, s. 64.
30. M. Homans, Women Writers and Poetic Identity: Dorothy Wordsworth, Emily Brontë, and Emily Dickinson, Princeton 1980, s. 10.
31. G. T. Hull, Afro-American Women Poets: A Bio-Critical Survey, w: Shakespeare's Sisters, ed. S. M. Gilbert, S. Gubar, Bloomington 1979, s. 165-182.
32. M. Jehlen, Archimedes and the Paradox of Feminist Criticism, „Signs" 6, Fall 1981, s. 582.
33. A. Kolodny, Dancing through the Minefield: Some Observations on the Theory, Practice, and Politics of a Feminist Literary Criticism, w: The New Feminist Criticism: essays on women, literature, and theory, ed. E. Showalter, New York 1985.
34. A. Kolodny, Literary Criticism, „Signs" 2, Winter 1976, s. 420.
35. A. Kolodny, A Map of Rereading; or, Gender and the Interpretation of Literary Texts, w: The New Feminist Criticism: essays on women, literature, and theory, ed. E. Showalter, New York 1985.
36. A. Kolodny, Some Notes on Defining a „Feminist Literary Criticism", „Critical Inquiry" 2, Autumn 1975.
37. G. Lerner, The Challenge of Women's History, w tejże: The Majority Finds Its Past: Placing Women in History, New York 1979.
38. M. Landy, The Silent Woman: Towards a Feminist Critique, w: Authority of Experience: Essays in Feminist Criticism, ed. A. Diamond, L.E. Edwards, Amherst 1977, s. 16-27.
39. S. Lanser, E. Torton Beck, [Why] Are There Not Great Women Critics? And What Difference Does It Mace?, w: The Prism of Sex: Essays in the Sociology of Knowledge, ed. E. Torton Beck, J.A. Sherman, Madison 1979, s. 86.
40. I.M. Lewis, Ecstatic Religion, w: Perceiving Women, ed. S. Ardener, New York 1978, s. 50.
41. L. Lippard, From the Center: Feminist Essays on Women's Art, New York 1976.
42. The Lost Tradition: Mothers and Daughters in Literature, ed. C.M. Davidson, E.M. Broner, New York 1980.
43. Ch. Makward, To Be or Not to Be... A Feminist Speaker, w: The Future of Difference, ed. H. Eisenstein, A. Jardine, Boston 1980, s. 102.
44. E. Marks, Lesbian Intertextuality, w: Homosexualities and French Literature, ed. E. Marks and G. Stambolian, Ithaca 1979.
45. M. McCarty, Possessing Female Space: The Tender Shoot, „Women's Studies" 8, 1981, s. 368.
46. S. McConnell-Ginet, Linguistics and the Feminist Challenge, w: Women and Language in Literature and Society, ed. S. McConnell, R. Borker, N. Furman, New York 1980, s. 13, 14, 16.
47. N.K. Miller, Emphasis Added: Plots and Plausibilities in Women's Fiction, w: The New Feminist Criticism: essays on women, literature, and theory, ed. E. Showalter, New York 1985.
48. N.K. Miller, Women's Autobiography in France: For a Dialectics of Identification, w: Women and Language in Literature and Society, ed. S. McConnell, R. Borker, N. Furman, New York 1980, s. 271.
49. H. Moglen, Charlotte Brontë: The Self Conceived, New York 1977.
50. New French Feminisms, ed. E. Marks, I. de Courtivron, Amherst 1979.
51. T. Olsen, Silences, New York 1978.
52. A. Ostriker, Body Language: Imagery of the Body in Women 's Poetry, w: The State of Language, ed. L. Michaels, Ch. Ricks, Berkeley 1980.
53. N. Pell, Resistance, Rebellon, and Marriage: The Economics of „Jane Eyre", „Nineteenth-Century Fiction" 31, March 1977.
54. S.B. Pomeroy, Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity, New York 1976, s. 24.
55. A. Pratt, The New Feminist Criticisms, w: Beyond Intellectual Sexism: A New Woman, a New Realisty, ed. J. . Roberts, New York 1976.
56. A. Rich, „Jane Eyre": The Temptations of a Motherless Woman, „MS", October 1973.
57. A. Rich, Of Woman Born: Motherhood as Experience and Institution, New York 1976, s. 62.
58. A. Rich, When We Dead Awaken: Writing as Re-Vision, w tejże: On Lies, Secrets, and Silence, New York 1979, s. 35.
59. B.H. Rigney, Madness and Sexual Politics in the Feminist Novel: Studies in Brontë, Woolf, Lessing, and Atwood, Madison 1978.
60. S. Rowbotham, Woman's Consciousness, Man's World, New York 1974, s. 31-37.
61. J.P. Russo, A Study in Influence: The Moore—Richards Paradigm, „Critical Inquiry" 5, Summer 1979, s. 687.
62. E. Showalter, Literary Criticism, „Signs" 1, Winter 1975.
63. E. Showalter, Toward a Feminist Poetics, w: The Authority of Experience: Essays in Feminist Criticism, ed. L.R. Edwards, A. Diamond, Amherst 1977.
64. B. Smith, Toward a Black Feminist Criticism, w: The New Feminist Criticism: essays on women, literature, and theory, ed. E. Showalter, New York 1985.
65. P.M. Spacks, The Female Imagination, New York 1975, s. 19, 32.
66. D.C. Stanton, Language and Revolution: The Franco-American Dis-Connection, w: Future of Difference, ed. H. Eisenstein and A. Jardine, Boston 1980.
67. K. Tillotson, Novels of the Eighteen-Forties, London 1961, s. 39.
68. M.H. Washington, New Lives and New Letters: Black Women Writers at the End of the Seventies, „College English" 43, January 1981.
69. J. Wilt, Ghost of the Gothic: Austen, Eliot, and Lawrence, Princeton 1980.
70. Women Writing and Writing about Women, ed. M. Jacobus, New York 1979.
71. V. Woolf, Speech. Manuscript Notes, w: The Pargiters: The Novel-Essay Portion of the Years 1882-1941, ed. M.A. Leaska, New York 1977, s. 164. ; 0867-0633
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