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1. J. Austen, Northanger Abbey, Oxford 1980, s. 13.
2. S. de Beauvoir, Druga płeć, przeł. M. Leśniewska, t. 2, Kraków 1972.
3. A.R. Jones, Writing the Body. Toward an Understanding of l'Écriture féminine, w: The New Feminist Criticism. Essays on Women, Literature and Theory, ed. E. Showalter, London 1986.
4. K. Kofta, Ciało niczyje, Kraków 1988, s. 194-195.
5. A. Mencwel, Bajecznie kolorowe, „Polityka" 1993 nr 31.
6. J. Michelet, Czarownica, przeł. M. Kaliska, Londyn 1993, s. 15.
7. L. S. Robinson Treason Our Text. Feminist Challenge to the Literary Canon, w. The New Feminist Criticism. Essays on Women, Literature and Theory, ed. E. Showalter, London 1986.
8. E. Showalter, Towards Feminist Poetics, w: The New Feminist Criticism. Essays on Women, Literature and Theory, ed. E. Showalter, London 1986.
9. B. Zimmerman, What Has Never Been. An Overview of Lesbian Literary Criticism, w: The New Feminist Criticism. Essays on Women, Literature and Theory, ed. E. Showalter, London 1986. ; 0867-0633
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Oct 2, 2020
May 29, 2019
Edition name | Date |
Kraskowska E. - Kilka uwag na temat powieści kobiecej | Oct 2, 2020 |
Friedrich, Agnieszka
Jan z Koszyczek (c. 1500 – c. 1550)
Kowalski, Mariusz
Orzeszkowa, Eliza (1841–1910) Gebethner i Wolff.
Orzeszkowa, Eliza (1841–1910) Gebethner i Wolff.
Cooper, James Fenimore (1789–1851) Księgarnia Józefa Zawadzkiego (Wilno)