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1. B. Alpern Engel, Interview with Olga Lipovskaia, „Frontiers" 1990, vol. 10, nr 3.
2. B. Alpern Engel, Mothers and Daughters: Women of the Intelligentsia in Nineteenth-Century Russia, Cambridge 1983.
3. L. Atwood, Sex and the Cinema, w: Sex and Russian Society, ed. I. Kon, J. Riordan, Bloomington & Indianapolis 1993.
4. M. Buckley, Women and Ideology in the Soviet Union, New York 1989.
5. L. Engelstein, The Keys to Happiness: Sex and the Search for Modernity in Fin de Siècle Russia, Ithaca & London 1991, s. 4.
6. B. Holland, T. McKevitt, Maternity Care in the Soviet Union, w: B. Holland, Soviet Sisterhood, Indiana University Press, 1985.
7. B. Holmgren, For the Good of the Cause: Russian Women's Autobiography in the Twentieth Century, w: Russian Women's Literature, ed. T. Clyman, D. Green, Greenwood Press, 1994.
8. J.A. Isaak, Reflections of Resistance: Women Artists on Both Sides of the Mir, „Heresies" 1992 nr 26, s. 9-10.
9. K. Jayawardena, Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World, London & New Jersey 1992.
10. N. Kakurina, The Oppresive Power of Pity: Russian Women and Self-Censorship, „Index on Censorship" październik 1990. vol. 19, nr 9, s. 28-29.
11. I. Kon, Sexual Minorities, w: Sex and Russian Society, ed. I. Kon, J. Riordan, Bloomington & Indianapolis 1993, s. 103.
12. A. Kopkind, What is to be done?: From Russia with Love and Squalor, „The Nation" 18 stycznia 1993, vol. 256, nr 2, s. 50, 55.
13. O. Lipovskaia, New Women's Organisations, w: Perestroika and Russian Women, ed. M. Buckley, Cambridge 1992, s. 73-74, 80.
14. L.I. Remennick, Patterns of Birth Control, w: Sex and Russian Society, ed. I. Kon, J. Riordan, Bloomington & Indianapolis 1993.
15. V. Shlapentokh, Public and Private Life of the Soviet People: Changing Values in Post-Stalin Russia, New York & Oxford 1989.
16. E. Shogren, Russia's Equality Erosion, „The Los Angeles Times" 11 lutego 1993, s. 1, 11.
17. R. Stites, The Women's Liberation Movement in Russia: Feminism, Nihilism and Bolshevism. 1860-1930, Princeton 1978, s. 191.
18. Ch. Talpade-Mohanty, Introduction, w: Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism, ed. Ch. Talpade-Mohanty, A. Russo, L. Torres, Bloomington & Indianapolis 1991, s. 7.
19. Ch. Talpade-Mohanty, Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses, w: Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism, ed. Ch. Talpade-Mohanty, A. Russo, L. Torres, Bloomington & Indianapolis 1991.
20. T. Tołstaja, Notes from the Underground (recenzja książki Francine du Plessix-Gray, Soviet Women: Walking the Tightrope), „New York Review of Books" z31 maja 1990, s. 3.
21. T. Tołstaja, I. Martyniak, The Human Soul is Androgynous, „Index on Censorship" październik 1990, vol. 19, nr 9, s. 29.
22. E. Waters, Soviet Beauty Contests, w: Sex and Russian Society, ed. I. Kon, J. Riordan, Bloomington & Indianapolis 1993, s. 118, 132. ; 0867-0633
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Edition name | Date |
Holmgren B. - Miss piękności i inspektorki Sanepidu - czyli wybrane problemy przekładu feminizmu na rosyjski | Oct 2, 2020 |
Górecki, Przemysław
Derra, Aleksandra