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Geographia Polonica Vol. 96 No. 4 (2023)
The aims of this research were to identify the key processes that have occurred in the past that have caused changes in the physiognomy of archaeological landscape and to indicate possible future processes, along with their landscape implications. The study was based on cartographic and literature studies, and field visits. It covered an analysis of the land cover, the history of archaeological research, the establishment of forms of legal protection and tourist infrastructure development. The past changes are visualised for each site in the form of a block graph. Possible future scenarios with landscape implications are presented on a tree diagram.
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Plit, Joanna Myga-Piątek, Urszula
Baker Victor R.
Franz, Kamila W. Romanowski, Jerzy Johst, Karin Grimm, Volker
Żemła-Siesicka, Anna Andreychouk, Viacheslav Myga-Piątek, Urszula
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