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Geographia Polonica Vol. 84 Special Issue Part 2 (2011)
1. Baker, V.R. (1996a), Hypotheses and geomorphological reasoning, in Rhoads, B.L., and Thorn, C.E. (eds.), The Scientific nature of geomorphology: Wiley, N.Y., 57– 85.
2. Baker, V.R. (1996b), The pragmatic roots of American Quaternary geology and geomorphology, Geomorphology, 16: 197–215. -
3. Baker, V.R. (1998), Catastrophism and uniformitarianism: Logical roots and current relevance, in Blundell, D.J. and Scott, A.C. (eds.), Lyell: The past is the key to the present, The Geological Society (London), Special Publication 143, 171–182
4. Baker, V.R. (1999), Geosemiosis, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 111: 633–646.<0633:G>2.3.CO;2 -
5. Baker, V.R. (2000a), Let Earth speak! in Sneiderman, J.S. (ed.), The Earth around us: Maintaining a livable planet, Freeman, New York, 358–367.
6. Baker, V.R. (2000b), Conversing with the Earth: The Geological approach to understanding, in Frodeman, R. (ed.), Earth matters: The Earthsciences, philosophy, and the claims of community, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1–10.
7. Baker, V.R. (2008a), Paleoflood hydrology: origin, progress, prospects, Geomorphology, 101:1–13. -
8. Baker, V.R. (2008b), The Spokane flood debates: Historical background and philosophical perspective, in Grapes, R., Oldroyd, D., and Grigelis, A. (eds.), History of geomorphology and Quaternary geology, Geological Society of London SpecialPublication 301, 33–50.
9. Baker, V.R. (2008c), Planetary landscape systems, Earth Processes and Landforms, 33: 1341–1353. -
10. Baker, V.R. (2009), The Channeled scabland—A retrospective, Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 37: 6.1–6.19.
11. Chamberlin, T.C. (1890), The Method of multipleworking hypotheses, Science, 15: 92–96.
12. Chamberlin, T.C. (1904), The Methods of the Earth Sciences, Popular Science Monthly, 66: 66–75.
13. Cleland, C.E. (2001), Historical science, experimental science, and the scientific method, Geology,29: 987–990.<0987:HSESAT>2.0.CO;2 -
14. Cleland, C.E. (2002), Methodological and epistemic differences between historical scienceand experimental science, Philosophy of Science, 69: 471–496. -
15. Cleland, C.E. (2011), Prediction and explanationin historical science, British Journal of Philosophy of Science, doi: 10.1093/bjps/axq024. -
16. Davis, W.M. (1899), The Geographical cycle, Geographical Journal, 14: 478–504. -
17. Eldredge, N. and Gould, S.J., 1972, Punctuated equilibria: An alternative to phyletic gradualism, in Schopf, T.J.M. (ed)., Models in paleobiology, Freeman Cooper, San Francisco,82–115.
18. Gilbert, G.K. (1886), The Inculcation of scientific method by example, American Journal of Science, 31: 284–299.
19. Goody, R. (1982), Global change: Impacts onhabitability, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Report JPL D-95, Pasadena, California.
20. King, C. (1877), Catastrophism and evolution,The American Naturalist, 11, 8 (Aug., 1877):449–470. -
21. Klemes, V. (1997), Of carts and horses in hydrological modeling, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 1: 43–49. -
23. Laudan, R. (1982), Tensions in the concept of geology: Natural history or natural philosophy? Earth Sciences History, 1: 7–13.
24. Leopold, L.B. (1994), River morphology as an analog to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 138: 31–47.
25. Lewis, D. (1979), Counterfactual dependence and Time’s Arrow, Nous, 13: 455–476. -
26. Mayr, E. (1988), Toward a new philosophy of biology: Observations of an evolutionist, Harvard University Press, 564 pp.
27. Oreskes, N., Shrader-Frechette, K. and Berlitz,K. (1994), Verification, validation, and confirmationof numerical models in the Earthsciences, Science, 263: 641–646. -
28. Pilgrim, D.H. (1986), Bridging the gap between flood research and design practice, Water Resources Research, 22: 165S–176S.
29. Popper, K.R. (1963), Conjectures and refutations: The growth of scientific knowledge, Basic Books, New York.
30. Starkel, L. (1972), The role of catastrohic rainfallin the shaping of the relief of the lower Himalaya (Darjeeling Hills), Geographia Polonica, 21: 103–147.
31. Starkel, L. (1976), The role of extreme (catastrophic) meteorological events in contemporary evolutionof slopes. in Derbyshire, E. (ed.), Geomorphology and Climate, Wiley, Chichester, 203–246.
32. Starkel, L. (1989), Global palaeohydrology, Quaternary International, 2: 25–33. -
33. Starkel, L. (1990), Global continental palaeohydrology, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 82: 73–77. -
34. Starkel, L. (1996,) Geomorphic role of extreme rainfalls in the Polish Carpathians, Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica, 30: 21–38.
35. Starkel, L. (2004), Temporal clustering of extreme rainfall events in relief transformation, Journal Geological Society of India, 64: 517–523.
36. Starkel, L. (2008), Palaeohydrology: The past as a basis for understanding the present and predicting the future, in Harper, D., Zalewski,M. and Pacini, N. (eds.), Ecohydrology: Processes, models and case studies: An approach to the sustainable management of water resources, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, 276–302. -
10.7163/GPol.2011.S2.1 ;
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Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Oct 2, 2020
Feb 9, 2012
Migoń, Piotr (1966– )
Gregory, Kenneth John
Gerlée, Alina
Obrębska-Starklowa, Barbara (1937– ) Starkel, Leszek (1931– )
Fort, Monique
Matuszko, Dorota Bartoszek, Krzysztof Soroka, Jakub