RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Cyberpunk: przygotowanie gruntu pod rewolucję czy spełnienie chłopięcych marzeń?


Nixon, Nicola ; Oleszczuk, Anna : Tłumacz

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Teksty Drugie Nr 6 (2021)



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21 cm ; Tekst pol., streszcz. ang.


1. Benford G., "Is Something Going On?" Mississippi Review 16:18-23, #47/48, 1988.
2. Cadigan, P., Mindplayers. NY: Bantam Spectra, 1987.
3. Cadigan, P., "Rock On." Mirrorshades. Ed. Bruce Sterling, q.v. 34-42.
4. Carpenter, T., "Slouching Toward Cyberspace: In Search of Virtual Reality, the Nerdstock Nation Convenes." Village Voice, March 6-12, 1991, 34-40. Csicsery-Ronay, Istvan. "Cyberpunk andNeuromanticism." Mississippi Review 16:26678, #47/48, 1988.
5. Cooper, P. J., The Feminists. NY: Pinnacle Books, 1971.
6. Datlow, E., "A Conversation with Ellen Datlow and Edward Bryant." Science Fiction Eye 1:55-65,88, August 1988.
7. Delany, S., "Is Cyberpunk a Good Thing or a Bad Thing?" Mississippi Review 16:28-35, #47/48, 1988.
8. Delany, S., "Some Real Mothers: An Interview with Samuel Delany." By Takayuki Tatsumi. Science Fiction Eye 1:5-11, March 1988. DOI
9. Elgin, S. Haden, The Judas Rose. NY: DAW Books, 1986.
10. Elgin, S., Native Tongue. NY: DAW Books, 1984.
11. Fairbairns, Z., Benefits. London: Virago, 1979.
12. Fitting, P., "The Decline of the Feminist Utopian Novel " Border/Lines 7/8:17-19, Spring 1987.
13. Gearhart, S. Miller, The Wanderground: Stories of the Hill Women. Boston: Alyson Pubs., 1979.
14. Gordon, J., "Yin and Yang Duke It Out: Is Cyberpunk Feminism's New Age?" Science Fiction Eye 2:37-39, February 1990.
15. Hamburg, V., "The King of Cyberpunk." Interview 19:84-86,91, Jan. 1988. Haraway, Donna. "A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s." Socialist Review 15:65-107, April 1985.
16. McCaffery, L., "The Desert of the Real: The Cyberpunk Controversy." Mississippi Review 16:7-15, #47/48, 1988.
17. Moody, N., "Cyberdykes in SF Comics and Elsewhere." New Moon 1:27-28, May 1987.
18. Natsume, Toshiaki. "Made in Japan." Trans. Steve Hogan. Interview 19:32, Jan. 1988. Pfaelzer, Jean. "The Changing of the Avant Garde: The Feminist Utopia." SFS 15:282-94, #46, Nov. 1988.
19. Rosenthal, P., "Jacked In: Fordism, Cyberpunk, Marxism." Socialist Review 21:79103, Jan.-March, 1991.
20. Ross, A., "Getting Out of the Gemsback Continuum." Critical Inquiry 17:41133, Winter 1991. DOI
21. Rucker, R., Software. NY: Ace Books, 1982.
22. Rucker, R., Wetware. NY: Avon Books, 1988.
23. NY: Autonomedia 1989.
24. Russ, J., "Armor Vincit Foeminam : The Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction." SFS 7:2-15, #20, March 1980.
25. Russ, J., The Female Man. NY: Bantam, 1975.
26. Russ, J., "When It Changed." Again, Dangerous Visions. Ed. Harlan Ellison. NY: Doubleday, 1972. 229-41.
27. Shirley, J., Eclipse. NY: Blue Jay, 1985.
28. Shirley, J., "John Shirley." Mississippi Review 16:58, #47/48, 1988.
29. Sterling, B., "Cyberpunk in the Nineties." Interzone 48:39-41, June 1991.
30. Sterling, B., Introduction. Burning Chrome. By William Gibson, q.v. 1-5.
31. Sterling, B., Islands in the Net. NY: Ace, 1988.
32. Sterling, B. , ed. Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology. NY: Ace, 1988.
33. Stokes, R., "Same Old Thing in Brand New Drag." New Moon 1:28-30, May 1987.
34. Suvin, D., "On Gibson and Cyberpunk SF." Foundation 46:40-51, Fall 1989. Williams, E.E. Made in Germany. 1897. Brighton, 1973.


Teksty Drugie



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