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21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
1. N. Alperstein, Performing media activism in the digital age, Palgrave Macmillan, Camden, 2021.
2. Attebery, S. Fashion, w: The Routledge companion to cyberpunk culture, red. A. McFarlane, G. J. Murphy i L Schmeink, Routledge, Nowy Jork i Londyn 2020, s. 228-237.
3. Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red 2020.
4. Cyberpunk 2020: Gra fabularna mrocznej przyszłości, przeł. Jacek Brzeziński i Tomasz Jasinkiewicz, Copernicus Corporation, Warszawa, 1995.
5. Cyberpunk 2020: The roleplaying game of the dark future, R. Talsorian Games Inc., Berkeley 1993.
6. Dyer-Witheford, N. i de Peuter, G. Games of empire: Global capitalism and video games, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 2013.
7. Hodkinson, P. Goth: Identity, style and subculture, Berg, Oxford and Providence 2002.
8. Jenkins, H., Peters-Lazaro, G. i Shrestova, S. Popular culture and the civic imagination: Foundations, w: Popular culture and the civic imagination: Case studies of creative social change, red. H. Jenkins, G. Peters-Lazaro i S. Shrestova, New York University Press, Nowy Jork 2020, s. 1-30.
9. Jenkins, H. Textual Poachers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture, Routledge, Nowy Jork i Londyn 1992.
10. Levy, M. Fiction, 1980-1992, w: The Routledge companion to science fiction, red. Mark Bould, Andrew M. Butler, Adam Roberts and Sherryl Vint, Routledge, Nowy Jork i Londyn, s. 153-162.
11. Listen up, you primitive screwheads!!!! The unexpurgated Cyberpunk referee's guide, R. Talsorian Games Inc., Berkeley 1994.
12. A. McFarlane, G. J. Murphy i L Schmeink, red., The Routledge companion to cyberpunk culture, Routledge, Nowy Jork i Londyn 2020.
13. Miñana, R. Living Quixote: Performative activism in contemporary Brazil and the Americas, Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, 2021.
14. S. Mos-Shogbamimu ,This is why I resist: Don't define my black identity, Headline Publishing, Londyn, 2021.
15. Moulier Boutang, Y. Le capitalisme cognitif, Éditions Amsterdam, Paryż 2007.
16. Rolnik, S. The geopolitics of pimping, przeł. na j. ang. B. Holmes, "Machines and subjectivation" 2006, Transversal texts, (8.09.2021)
17. Schmeink, L. Haunted by the past: The nostalgic future of "Cyberpunk 2077", Los Angeles Review of Books, 31.12.2020, (8.09.2021)
18. Słuchajcie głąby!!! Nieokrojony podręcznik mistrza gry do Cyberpunka 2020, Copernicus Corporation, Warszawa 1995.
19. Sterling, B. Preface, w: Mirrorshades: The cyberpunk anthology, red. B. Sterling, Ace Books, Nowy Jork 1988, s. ix-xvi.
20. Thornton, S. Club cultures: Music, media and subcultural capital, Polity, Cambridge 2001.
21. Williams, J. P. i Hannerz, E. Articulating the "counter" in subculture studies, "M/C Journal" nr 17/6 2014 (8.09.2021)
22. Williams, J. P. Subcultural theory: Traditions and concepts, Polity, Cambridge 2011. ; 0867-0633 ; 10.18318/td.2021.6.9
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Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS
Jan 2, 2023
Dec 30, 2022
Edition name | Date |
Zarzycka A. - „Styl ponad istotą”: Technologie tożsamości, sprawczości i zysku w Cyberpunku 2020 | Jan 2, 2023 |
Nixon, Nicola Oleszczuk, Anna
Błaszkowska-Nawrocka, Marta Majkowski, Tomasz Z.