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21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
1. J. Bleecker, Design Fiction. A short essay on design, science, fact and fiction, Near Future Laboratory 2009, (15.08.21).
2. B. Bratton, The Stack: on Software and Sovereignty, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 2015.
3. W. Hui Kyong Chun, Marshall McLuhan: The First Cyberpunk Author? “Journal of Visual Culture” 13(1)/2014, s. 36-38.
4. W. Hui Kyong Chun, Control and Freedom. Power and Paranoia in the Age of Fiber Optics, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 2008.
5. K. Crawford, Atlas of AI. Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence, Yale University Press, New Haven 2021.
6. M. E. Doherty Jr., Marshall McLuhan Meets William Gibson in <<Cyberspace>>, “CMC”, September 1, 1995, (15.08.21).
7. A. Dunne, F. Raby, Speculative Everything, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 2013.
8. D. Haraway, Staying with the Trouble, Duke University Press, Durnham 2016.
9. T. Maughan, Infinite Detail: A Novel, MCD x FSG Originals, New York 2019.
10. T. Maughan, How Science Fiction Imagined the 2020s, 2020, (15.08.21).
11. A. McFarlane, G.J. Murphy, L. Schmeink Cyberpunk as Cultural Formation, w: The Routledge Companion to Cyberpunk Culture, red. A. McFarlane, G.J. Murphy, L. Schmeink, Routledge, New York and London 2020, s. 1-3.
12. F. Jameson, Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, Duke University Press, Durnham 1992.
13. F. Jameson, Archeologies of the Future, Verso, London 2015.
14. M. McLuhan, Zrozumieć media. Przedłużenia człowieka, przeł. N. Szczucka, Wydawnictwo Naukowo-Techniczne, Warszawa 2004.
15. J. Parikka, What is New Materialism. Opening Words from the Event, 2010, (15.08.21).
16. J. Parikka, Geology of Media, Minnessota University Press, Minneapolis 2015.
17. B. Sterling, Shaping Things, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 2005.
18. B. Sterling, Patently Untrue, “Wired” October 2013, (15.08.21).
19. J. Tanenbaum, Design Fictional Interactions: Why HCI Should Care About Stories, “Interactions” September-Octopber 2014, s. 22-23.
20. P. Walker-Emig, Neon and Corporate Dystopias: why does cyberpunk refuse to move on?, „The Guardian”, 16 października 2018, (15.08.21)
21. M. Wark, Capital Is Dead: Is This Something Worse?, Verso, London 2021.
22. G. Gajewska, Ecology and Science Fiction. Managing Imagination in the Age of Anthropocene, “Przegląd kulturoznawczy”, nr 1(47)/2021, s. 79-97. ; 0867-0633 ; 10.18318/td.2021.6.2
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Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS
Jan 11, 2023
Dec 30, 2022
Edition name | Date |
Filiciak M. - Cyberpunk a teoria (i praktyka) mediów | Jan 11, 2023 |
Nixon, Nicola Oleszczuk, Anna
Zarzycka, Agata
Błaszkowska-Nawrocka, Marta Majkowski, Tomasz Z.