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Woods, Angela
Pogońska-Baranowska, Aleksandra
21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
1. H. P. Abbott (2008), The Cambridge introduction to narrative, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2008.
2. R. Ahlzén (2007), Medical humanities - arts and humanistic science, "Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy" nr 10, s. 385-93.
3. P. Atkinson (2010), The contested terrain of narrative analysis - an appreciative response, "Sociology of Health and Illness", nr. 32, s. 661-67.
4. M. Bamberg (2006), Stories: Big or small: Why do we care?, "Narrative Inquiry", nr. 16, s. 139-47.
5. J. L. Battersby (2006), Narrativity, self, and self-representation, "Narrative", nr. 14, s. 27-44.
6. F. C. Biley, J. Champney-Smith (2003), "Attempting to say something without saying it...": Writing haiku in health care education, "Medical Humanities", nr. 29, s. 39-42.
7. A. P. Bochner (2010), Resisting the mystification of narrative inquiry:Unmasking the real conflict between story analysts and storytellers, "Sociology of Health and Illness", nr. 32, s. 661-67.
8. H. Brody (1987), Stories of sickness, Yale University Press, New Haven.
9. J. Bruner (1990), Acts of meaning, MA: Harvard University Press, Cambridge.
10. J. Bruner (1991), The narrative contruction of reality, "Critical Inquiry",nr. 18, s. 1-21.
11. L. Bunt (2010), Music therapy as a resource for people living with cancer, Concepts of Health and Illness Conference, Bristol.
12. J. Campbell (1969), The hero with a thousand faces, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
13. J. Campbell (1994), Past, space, and self, MA: MIT Press, Cambridge.
14. H. Carel (2008), Illness, Acumen, Stocksfield.
15. H. Carel (2011), Phenomenology and its application in medicine, "Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics", nr. 32, s. 33-46.
16. T. Chambers, T. (2009), The virtue of incongruity in the medical humanities, "Journal of Medical Humanities", nr. 30, s. 151-4.
17. R. Charon, R. (2006), The self-telling body, "Narrative Inquiry", nr. 16, s. 191-200.
18. R. Charon, R. (2007), Listening for the self-telling body, Caring for the Caregiver: Literature & Medicine National Conference, Manchester, New Hampshire.
19. R. Charon, R. (2008), Narrative medicine: Honoring the stories of illness, Oxford University Press, New York.
20. H. M. Evans, J. Macnaughton (2004), Should medical humanities be a multidisciplinary or an interdisciplinary study?, "Medical Humanities", nr. 30, s. 1-4.
21. A. Frank (1995), The wounded storyteller: Body, illness, and ethics, University of Chicago Press, Chicago¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬-London.
22. A. Frank (2000), The standpoint of the storyteller, "Qualitative Health Research", nr. 10, s. 354-65.
23. A. Frank (2002) ,At the will of the body: Reflections on illness, Houghton Mifflin, New York.
24. A. Frank (2010), In defence of narrative exceptionalism, "Sociology of Health and Illness", nr. 32, s. 661-67.
25. M. Freeman (2006), Life 'on holiday?' in defense of big stories, "Narrative Inquiry", nr. 16, s.131-38.
26. T. Fuchs (2011), Temporality and psychopathology, "Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences", nr. 12, s. 75-104.
27. Y. Gabriel (2004), The voice of experience and the voice of the expert - can they speak to each other?, w: Narrative research in health and illness, red. B. Hurwitz, T. Greenhalgh, V. Skultans, Blackwell, London.
28. S. Gallagher (2003), Self-narrative in schizophrenia, w: The self in neuroscience and psychiatry, red. T. Kircher, A. David, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
29. A. Georgakopoulou (2006), Thinking big with small stories in narrative and identity analysis, "Narrative Inquiry", nr. 16, s. 122-30.
30. T. Greenhalgh, B. Hurwitz (1998), Narrative based medicine: Dialogue and discourse in clinical practice, BMJ Books, London.
31. J. Gruber, A. Kring (2008), Narrating emotional events in schizophrenia, "Journal of Abnormal Psychology", nr. 17, s. 520-33.
32. A. H. Hawkins (1999), Reconstructing illness: Studies in pathography, Purdue University Press, West Lafeyette.
33. A. Hurwitz, T. Greenhalgh, V. Skultans (2004), Narrative research in health and illness, Blackwell, London.
34. A. D. Hutto (2007a), Narrative and understanding persons, w: Narrative and understanding persons, red. D.D. Hutto, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
35. A. D. Hutto (2007b),. Narrative and understanding persons, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
36. A. D. Hutto (2008), Folk psychological narratives: The sociocultural basis of understanding persons, MIT Press, Cambridge-Mass.
37. L.-C. Hydén (1997), Illness and narrative, "Sociology of Health and Illness",nr. 19, s. 48-69.
38. M. Hyvärinen (2006), Towards a conceptual history of narrative, w: The travelling concept of narrative, red. M. Hyvärinen, A. Korhonen, J. Mykkänen, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Helsinki.
39. M. Hyvärinen, L.-C. Hydén, M. Saarenheimo, M. Tamboukou (2010), Beyond narrative coherence, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam-Philadelphia.
40. A. Kleinman (1988), The illness narratives: Suffering, healing, and the human condition, Basic Books, New York.
41. W. Kraus (2006), The narrative negotiation of identity and belonging, "Narrative Inquiry", nr. 16, s. 103-11.
42. A. E. Lewis (1998), Reading cultural studies of medicine, "Journal of Medical Humanities", nr. 19, s. 9-24.
43. J. Lings (2010), Motor neurone disease: The experience of illness expressed through song-writing, Concepts of Health and Illness Conference, Bristol.
44. A.MacIntyre (1981), After virtue, Duckworth, London.
45. A. Mackenzie, J. Poltera (2010), Narrative integration, fragmented selves, and autonomy, "Hypatia", nr. 25, s. 32-54.
46. S. Maitland (2008), A book of silence, Granta, London.
47. A. Padfield, B. Hurwitz, C. Pither (2003), Perceptions of pain, Dewi Lewis Publishing, London.
48. S. Pattison (2003), Medical humanities: A vision and some cautionary notes, "Medical Humanities", nr. 29, s. 33-36.
49. J. Phelan (2005), Editor's column: Who's here? Thoughts on narrative identity and narrative imperialism, "Narrative", nr. 13, s. 205-10.
50. J. Phillips (2003) ,Schizophrenia and the narrative self, w: The self in neuroscience and psychiatry, red. T. Kircher, A. David, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
51. P. Ricoeur (1990), Time and narrative, volume 1 (time & narrative), University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
52. S. Rimmon-Kenan (2006) ,What can narrative theory learn from illness narratives, "Literature and Medicine", nr. 25, s. 241-54.
53. J. Saavedra, M. Cubero, P. Crawford (2009), Incomprehensibility in the narratives of individuals with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, "Qualitative Health Research Journal", nr. 19, s. 1548-58.
54. A. Sartwell (2000), End of story: Toward an annihilation of language and history, State University of New York Press, Albany.
55. A. Sartwell (2006), Frankie, Johnny, Oprah and me: The limits of narrative, "Narrative Inquiry", nr. 16, s. 156-63.
56. M. Schechtman (2007), Basic survival: A refinement and defense of the narrative view, w: Narrative and understanding persons, red. D. D. Hutto, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
57. A. Schiff (2006), The promise (and challenge) of an innovative narrative psychology, "Narrative Inquiry", nr. 16, s. 19-27.
58. G. Strawson (2004), Against narrativity, "Ratio", nr. 17, s. 428-52.
59. G. Strawson (2007), Episodic ethics, w: Narrative and understanding persons, red. D. D. HuttoCambridge University Press, , Cambridge.
60. A. Svenaeus (2009), The phenomenology of falling ill: An explication, critique and improvement of sartre's theory of embodiment and alienation, "Human Studies", nr. 32, s. 53-66.
61. A. Svenaeus (2011), Illness as unhomelike being-in-the-world: Heidegger and the phenomenology of medicine, "Medicine Health Care and Philosophy", nr. 14, s. 333-343.
62. P. Tammi (2006), Against narrative ("a boring story"), "Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas", nr. 4, s. 19-40.
63. A. Taylor (1989), Sources of the self, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
64. A. Thomas (2010), Negotiating the contested terrain of narrative methods in illness contexts, "Sociology of Health and Illness", nr. 32, s. 647-60.
65. S.K. Toombs (1988), Illness and the paradigm of the lived body, "Theoretical Medicine", nr. 9, s. 201-26.
66. S. K. Toombs (1990), The temporality of illness: Four levels of experience, "Theoretical Medicine", nr. 11, s. 227-41.
67. S. K. Toombs (2001a), Handbook of phenomenology and medicine, Kluwer, Dordrecht.
68. S. K. Toombs (2001b), Introduction: Phenomenology and medicine, w: Handbook of phenomenology and medicine, red. S.K. Too ; 0867-0633 ; 10.18318/td.2021.1.15
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Dec 20, 2022
Sep 28, 2021
Edition name | Date |
Woods A. - Więcej niż rany. Nowe spojrzenie na narracyjność, chorobę i ucieleśnione doświadczenie siebie | Dec 20, 2022 |
Young, Sara
Zabielska, Magdalena Żelazowska-Sobczyk, Magda
Samborska-Kukuć, Dorota