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The aim of the current paper is to characterize particular parts of a section / sections of clinico-diagnostic case reports in comparison with the reports derived from psychology / psychiatry in order to examine and present the narrative used there as a one of the distinguishing factors between these two microgenres. It is a fragment where a particular disease in a patient is described. The goal is also to determine to what extent the differences in the character of these two areas of medicine affect the character of the narration as well as the linguistic resources used in the description of the patient, which, in turn, has consequences for their image in the text. The analysis was carried out on the basis of two groups of texts: 30 case reports from the publication outlets “Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska” (“Advances in Respiratory Medicine”) (18), “Otolaryngologia Polska” (8), “Choroby Serca i Naczyń” (2), as well as 1 from “Arterial Hypertension” and 1 from “Folia Cardiologica”, published between 2006–2021 and referring to a variety of medical areas; and 30 psychiatric / psychological case formulations from three Polish specialised medical journals: “Psychiatria”, “Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna” as well as “Psychiatria Polska”, published between 2006–2021. The results demonstrate a significantly different character of the narration as well as partial differences in the lexis used, which results primarily from structural differences in the texts. These, in turn, may be resultant of the different character of psychiatry / psychology and clinical medicine. Consequently, what can be observed is a narrative-like and holistic image of the patient in psychiatric and psychological texts and the technical and partial one in clinico-diagnostic reports. The outcomes of such studies may be used in practice in a twofold way. First, they may be treated as valuable guidelines for doctors and medical students how to write a case report in a more ‛patient oriented’ manner, including the patient’s perspective. Secondly, from the educational point of view, they can be treated a starting point in the creation of vocabulary lists/glossaries for courses in medical terminology for doctors, medical students and linguists (future translators and interpreters).
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Jan 12, 2022
Jan 12, 2022
Branny, Grażyna Maria Teresa
Zemszał, Piotr
Rutkowska, Krystyna
Klapper, Magdalena Kołodziej, Dorota
Babik, Zbigniew
Konefał, Ewa