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21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
1. Bauman H-D. L., Murray J.J., Deaf Gain: Raising the Stakes for Human Diversity, University of Minnesota Press, 2014.
2. Bauman Z., Szanse etyki w zglobalizowanym świecie, Znak, Kraków 2007.
3. Bodine C., Assistive Technology and Science, Sage, 2013.
4. Davis, L. J., Enforcing Normalcy. Disability, Deafness and the Body, Verso, London, New York, 1995.
5. Dolmage J.T., Academic Ableism. Disability and Higher Education, University of Michigan Press 2017.
6. Eckert R.C., Toward a Theory of Deaf Ethnos: Deafnicity - D/deaf (Hómaemon, Homóglosson, Homóthreskon), "Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education" 2010, nr 15(4).
7. Imrie R., Disability and the City: International Perspectives, SAGE Publications Ltd, 1996.
8. Jackson L., We Are the Original Lifehackers, "The New York Times" May 30, 2018;, data dostepu 4.01.2020
9. Lane H., Ethnicity, ethics, and the deaf-world, "Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education", 2005, 10(3), s. 291-310.
10. Lang H., A Phone of our Own. The Deaf Inssurection Against MA Bell, Gallaudet University Press, Washington 2000.
11. Lienhard J.H., How Invention Begins. Echoes of Old Voices in the Rise of New Machines, Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 2006.
12. Mazzucato M., The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths;
13. Mills M., Media and Prosthesis. The Vocoder, the Artificial Larynx, and the History of Signal Processing, "Qui Parle", 2012, vol. 21(1), s.107-149.
14. Mills M., On Disability and Cybernetics: Helen Keller, Norbert Wiener, and the Hearing Glove, "A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies", 2011, vol. 22(2,3).
15. Norman D., Design na co dzień, Wydawnictwo Karakter, Kraków 2018.
16. Peltz Strauss K. A New Civil Right. Telecommunications Equality for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Americans, Gallaudet University Press, Washington 2006.
17. Petroski H., The Evolution of Useful Things, Vintage Books, New York 1994.
18. Rethinking modern prosthesis in Anglo-American commodity cultures, 1820-1939, red. C.L. Jones, Manchester University Press, 2017.
19. Usher A.P., A history of mechanical inventions, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York 1929.
20. Williams B., Accessible America. A History of Disability and Design, New York University Press, 2019.
21. Wong A., Disability Visibility Podcast Episode 31: Disabled Inventors,, data dostępu 06.09.2018, s. 1.
22. Zdrodowska M., Technologia jako społeczna dystynkcja. Nieoczywiste relacje techniki i niepełnosprawności, "Kultura Współczesna", 2018, nr 3(102), s. 13-26. ; 0867-0633 ; 10.18318/td.2020.2.3
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Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS
Aug 2, 2021
Aug 2, 2021
Edition name | Date |
Zdrodowska M. - Głuchy telefon. „Zrób to sam” jako innowacja i aktywizm | Aug 2, 2021 |
Pamuła, Natalia
Madej, Dariusz
Zdrodowska, Magdalena