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Zakład Biologii Wód Polskiej Akademii Nauk ; Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
24 cm ; ilustracje ; bibliografia na stronach 327-328
Christian R. R., Wiebe W. J. 1974. The effect of temperature upon the reproduction and respiration of a marine obligate psychrofile. Can. J. Microbiol., 20, 1341—1345.
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Dumnicka E. 1978. Communities of oligochaete (Oligochaeta) of the River Nida and its tributaries. Acta Hydrobiol., 20, 117—141.
Fonden R. 1969. Nutritional classification of some limnic bacterial population. Oikos, 20, 373—383.
Godlewska-Lipowa W. A. 1974. Uptake of organic matter by natural bacteria groups in the Mazurian Lakes. Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol., 21, 59—67.
Godlewska-Lipowa W. A. 1979. O2- consumption as an indicator of heterotrophic activity of bacteria in lakes of different trophic conditions. Arch. Hydrobiol., Beih. Ergebn. Limnol., 12, 11—23.
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Innis W. E., Young M. 1977. Metabolic activity in cores of lake bottom sediments. Water Res., 11, 75—77.
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Kang H., Seki H. 1983. The Gram stain characteristics of the bacterial community as a function of the dynamics of organic debris in mesotrophic irrigation pound. Arch. Hydrobiol., 98, 39—58.
Kawecka B. 1986. Sessile algae of the River Nida (Southern Poland) in the area of experimentally fertilized bankside soils. Acta Hydrobiol., 28, 371—378.
Kuznyetsov S. I., Romanyenko V. I. 1963. Mikrobiologichyeskoye izuchyeniye vnutryennykh vodoyemov. Moskva—Leningrad, A. N. SSSR, 129 pp.
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Odum P. E. 1982. Podstawy ekologii [Principles of ecology]. Warszawa, PWRiL, 661 pp.
Oppenheimer C. H. 1960. Bacterial activity in sediments of shallow marine bays. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 19, 244—260.
Pasternak K. 1973. The occurrence and variability of microelements in the water in the longitudinal section of the River Nida. Acta Hydrobiol., 15, 357—378.
Pasternak K., Starzecka A. 1979. Chemism of the River Nida water and some relations between its bacteriological and chemical features. Acta Hydrobiol., 21, 361—395.
Sepers A. B. J. 1977. The utilization of dissolved organic compounds in aquatic environments. Hydrobiol., 52, 39—54.
Sorokin Y. I., Kadota H. 1972. Techniques for the assessment of microbial production and decomposition in fresh waters. IBP Handbook, 23, 112 pp.
Srokosz K., 1980. Chironomidae communities of the River Nida and its tributaries. Acta Hydrobiol., 22, 191—215.
Starzecka A. 1979. Bacteriological characteristics of water in the River Nida and its tributaries. Acta Hydrobiol., 21, 341—360.
Starzecka A. 1988. An attempt at quantitative determination of biomass and bacterial destruction in the water of the Vistula in the region of the water stage at Łaczany. Acta Hydrobiol. 30.
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Wright R. T., Hobbie J. E. 1965. The uptake of organic solutes in lake water. Limnol. Oceanogr., 10, 22—28.
Wright R. T., Hobbie J. E. 1966. Use of glucose and acetate by bacteria in aquatic ecosystems. Ecology, 47, 447—464.
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