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Institute of Freshwater Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences ; Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
24 cm ; ilustracje ; bibliografia na stronach 460-461 ; ISSN 0065-132X ; ISBN 83-01-07801-4
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Backiel T., Horoszewicz L. 1970. Temperatura a ryby [Temperature and fishes]. Inst. Ryb. Śródl., 41, 25 pp.
Berrie A. D. 1976. Detritus, microorganisms and animals in fresh water. In: J. M. Anderson, A. Macfayden (Eds): The role of terrestrial and aquatic organisms in decomposition processes. Oxford — London — Edinburgh — Melbourne, Blackwell Sci. Publ., 323—388.
Boruckij E. W. 1960. O kormovoj bazie. Materiały po kormovoj bazie Akad. Nauk SSSR. Trudy Inst. Morf. Zhivot., 13.
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Hermanowicz W., Dożańska W., Dojlido J., Komorowski B. 1976. Fizyko-chemiczne badania wody i ścieków [Physical and chemical investigations of water and wastes]. Arkady, Warszawa, 846 pp.
Hokanson K. E. F. 1977. Temperature requirements of some percids and adaptations to the seasonal temperature cycle. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can., 34, 1524-1550.
Horoszewicz L. 1969. The effect of higher temperature on fish. Ekol. Pol., B, 15, 299—321.
Jassby A. D., Goldmann C. R. 1974. Loss rates from a lake phytoplankton community. Limnol. Oceanogr., 19, 618—627.
Jelonek M. 1985. The influence of heated waters on the growth and food of the perch population (Perca fluviatlis L.) in the Rybnik dam reservoir. Acta Hydrobiol., 25/26, 469—479.
Kaliszewska E., Grzybowska B., Skalska T. 1976. Badania fitoplanktonu zbiornika Rybnik podgrzewanego przez elektrownię cieplną i zeutrofizowanego przez ścieki przemysłowo-komunalne [Studies on phytoplankton in the Rybnik reservoir heated by a power station and rendered eutrophic by industrial and municipal wastes). Mat. 10 Konf. Polskich Hydrologów. Abstrakty [Proc. Tenth Conf. Polish Hydrobiol. Abstracts]. 36 pp.
Klimczyk-Janikowska M. 1978. Influence of warmed water on the growth and feeding of the roach (Rutilus rutilus L.). Acta Hydrobiol., 20, 175—185.
Leszczyński L. 1963. Food items of juvenile stages of some fish species from several lakes of Węgorzewo District. Roczn. Nauk Roln., B, 82, 235—250.
Łukjanienko W. L. 1974. Toksykologia ryb [Toxicology of fishes). PWRiL, Warszawa, 315 pp.
Marciak Z. 1967. Uwagi o różnicach i charakterze zmienności pokarmowej młodocianych stadiów kilku gatunków ryb jeziorowych — Remarks on differences and type of variation in food uptake of juvenile stages of several lake fish species. Roczn. Nauk Roln., H, 90, 433—451.
Morduchaj-Boltovskoj F. D. 1975. Teplovye elektrostancii i žizn vodoemov. Priroda, 1, 57—66.
Pidgajko M. L., Grin V. G., Polivannaya M. F., Vinogradskaya T. A., Sergeeva O. A. 1970. Itogi izuchenia gidrobiologicheskogo rezhima presnych vodoemov-ohladitelej juga USSR. Gidrobiol. Zh., 2, 6, 36—44.
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Spanovskaya V. D., Grygorash V. A. 1977. Development and food of age O Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in reservoirs near Moscow, USSR. J. Fish Res. Bd Can., 34, 1551—1558.
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Wilkońska H., Żuromska H. 1977. Changes in the species composition of fry in the shallow littoral of heated lakes of the Konin Lakes Complex. Roczn. Nauk Roln., H, 97, 113—134.
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EIFAC Technical Paper, 1968. Water quality for European freshwater fish, report on water temperature and inland fisheries. Rome, 6, 1—8.
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Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Science
Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Science
Jul 9, 2021
Jul 9, 2021
Krzyżanek, Edward
Krzanowski, Wojciech
Pasternak, Kazimierz Kasza, Henryk
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Krzyżanek, Edward
Dziewoński, Kazimierz (1910–1994) Gawryszewski, Andrzej (1939– ) Iwanicka-Lyrowa, Elżbieta Jelonek, Adam Jerczyński, Marek Węcławowicz, Grzegorz
Jelonek, Marek