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Institute of Freshwater Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences ; Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
24 cm ; ilustracje ; bibliografia na stronach 305-306 ; ISSN 0065-132X ; ISBN 83-01-07801-4
Brykowcz-Waksmundzka K., Waksmundzki K. A. 1975. Kompleksowa mapa sozologiczna źródłowej części zlewni Wisły [The complex sozological map in the spring section of the Vistula catchment area]. Karpaty, 3, 3—7.
Denisova A. J. 1972. Rastvorennye gazy, biogennye elementy i solevoj sostav vodochranilishcha. In: Ya. Ya. Ceeb. Yu. G. Maistrenko (Eds): Kievskoe vodochranilishche, gidrochimija, biologija, produktivnost. Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 18—63.
Golterman H. L., Clymo R. S. 1969. Methods for chemical analysis of fresh water. IBP-Handbook, 8, 180 pp.
Just J., Hermanowicz W. 1964. Fizyczne i chemiczne badania wody do picia i potrzeb gospodarczych [Physical and chemical examination of water for drinking and for economic purposes]. Warszawa, PZWL, 311 pp.
Kasza H. 1986. Development and structure of the Goczałkowice reservoir ecosystem. VII. Hydrochemistry. Ecol. Pol. 34: 365-395.
Kuzin B. S. (Ed.) 1972. The Rybinsk reservoir and its life. Leningrad, Nauka, 364 pp. Magosz S., 1976. Stan eutrofizacji zbiornika zaporowego Wisła-Czarne w świetle spływów obszarowych zlewni [The state of eutrophication of the dam-reservoir Wisła-Czarne in the light of run-off from the catchment area]. Mat. na Nauk. Sesję Bad. Jubil., Zabrze [Proc. of Sci. Session, Zabrze], 97—114.
Nikolaeva Μ. D. 1964. K gidrochimii irkutskogo vodochranilishcha. Biologija irkutskogo vodochranilishcha. Trudy Limnol. Inst., 11, 17—40.
Priymachenko-Shevchenko A. D., Denisova A. J., Tulupchuk Y. U. M. 1976. Phytoplankton development in the Dnieper reservoirs in connection with dynamics of biogenic elements. Limnologica (Berlin), 10, 525—528.
Prochazková L., Straškrabová V., Popovský J. 1971. Changes of some chemical constituents and bacterial numbers in Slapy Reservoir during eight years. Hydrobiol. Stud. Prague, 2, 85—154.
Prochazková L., Popovský J., Desortová B. 1976. Field fertilization and concentration of nutrients in water bodies. Limnologica (Berlin), 10, 287—292.
Vollenweider R. A. 1975. Advances in defining critical loading levels for phosphorus in lake eutrophication. Mem. 1st. Ital. Idrobiol., 33, 53—83.
Vollenweider R. A. 1979. Das Nährstoffbelastungskonzept als Grundlage für den externen Eingriff in den Eutrophierungsprozess stehender Gewässer und Talsperren. Z. Wasser- u. Abwasser Forsch., 2, 46—56.
Ausgewählte Methoden der Wasseruntersuchung, 1970. Methoden zur Bestimmung der Bioaktivität. Chlorophyll. Jena, VEB G. Fischer Verl., 6 pp.
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Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Science
Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Science
Sep 9, 2021
Sep 9, 2021
Kasza, Henryk
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