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Vittiglio, Valentina : Autor ; Iodice, Silvia : Autor ; Amenta, Libera : Autor ; Attademo, Anna : Autor ; Formato, Enrico : Autor ; Russo, Michelangelo : Autor
Across Europe, the current system of waste management is responsible for environmental pollution, leading to the need of a transition towards a circular economy model, and towards systemic approaches for achieving sustainable objectives. Interpreting waste as resource – through the development of eco-innovative solutions – can play a positive impact on the quality of life and of the environment. REPAiR1 research project proposes eco-innovative strategies, in order to co-design and assess solutions, involving a series of decisional problems that require the development of Spatial Decision Support System, described in their general structure and with a focus on the REPAiR project.
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REPAiR, 2017. Introduction to methodology for integrated spatial, material flow and social analyses. REPAiR Deliverable 3.1. [typescript].
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Jun 25, 2024
Nov 29, 2019
Cała, Czesław
Amenta, Libera Attademo, Anna Berruti, Gilda Palestino, Maria Federica Russo, Michelangelo
Kil, Aleksandra
Ozimek, Teresa
Świrkowicz Marek