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Meier-Dallach, Hans-Peter : Autor ; Heinickel, Gunter : Autor
The modern social, economic and communication flows change profoundly the development of spaces, their borders and boundaries, and affect the channels of flow between regions and the national, transnational and global society. The paper offers a reflection about the developments at the top of geographic and social scientific research as well as a reference to the agenda of spatial planning and politics. Therefore this article focuses on theoretical aspects of the “fluid society” but emphasizes also the need to learn from empirical insights and practical issues in the context of Polish-Swiss cooperation projects. It concludes however, that regional spaces under the auspices of modern flows are not unicoloured. That wants to say: they are not passive entities of modernisation, but keep their manifold, multicoloured characteristics – and these characteristics interact in the form of identities, cohesion and the natural backdrop with significant effects on those flows, enabling and steering modernisation strategies, and deciding about successes or failures of investments into traffic, tourism and economies. By that they shape the flows from and into peripheral regions.
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File size 3,6 MB ; application/octet-stream ; 1429-7132 ; 10.7163/Eu21.2018.34.3
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Oct 13, 2023
Nov 29, 2019
Edition name | Date |
Meier-Dallach H.-P. : Panta rhei? Space of flows in the era of anthropocene and outlooks into a multi-coloured future | Oct 13, 2023 |
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Somlyódyné Pfeil, Edit