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Matuszczak, Anna : Autor ; Bieniek-Majka, Maryla : Autor
Studia Obszarów Wiejskich = Rural Studies, t. 52
In order to identify the competitive position of the Kujawsko-pomorskie fruit and vegetable producer groups and organizations in relation to each other and deliberately selected representatives from voivodeships leading in the process of integrating this sector, an analytical scheme proposed by J. Kay was used, allowing for quantification of the competitive advantage in terms of results. The article presents the outcome of the research, which covered all groups and producer organizations as of the end of 2014 from the Kujawsko-pomorskie Voivodeship and one integrated representative with apples in his offer, from the Mazowieckie, Wielkopolskie and Lubelskie Voivodeships. In order to obtain the financial data published in the National Court Register, Info Veriti calculated a competitive advantage meter according to J. Kay. Additionally, by means of logistic regression, the equation for the probability of obtaining a positive competitive advantage index was established. The results of the research indicate that only 38% of the surveyed organizations achieved a positive value of the measure, which proves that group activities do not guarantee achieving a competitive advantage. Logistic regression evidenced that increasing the accomplishing a positive competitive advantage index results in obtaining certificates confirming the quality and safety of products introduced to the market as well as investments increasing fixed assets. On the other hand, a decrease in the chance may result in the growing number of members.
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File size 0,3 MB ; application/octet-stream ; 1642-4689 ; 10.7163/SOW.52.14
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Mar 25, 2021
Aug 1, 2019
Matuszczak, Anna Bieniek-Majka, Maryla
Makieła, Zbigniew Sobala-Gwosdz, Agnieszka
Leśniak-Johann, Małgorzata Raczyk, Andrzej
Korcelli-Olejniczak, Ewa
Wójcik, Julia Szejgiec-Kolenda, Barbara Czapiewski, Konrad Ł. Komornicki, Tomasz Almazán-Gómez, Miguel Ángel