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Studia Obszarów Wiejskich = Rural Studies, t. 52
The aim of this article is to present the usage of spatial information infrastructure in agricultural activity. The spatial information infrastructure is understood as spatial datasets, which are available via web-based mapping application. Example of the Łódzkie Voivodeship Geoportal ( was considered. The formal basis for the construction of the spatial information infrastructure in the European Union is the INSPIRE Directive, which was transposed in Poland by the means of the Act on spatial information infrastructure. According to the Polish law, numerous scattered institutions are responsible for spatial datasets. For example, the district geodetic and cartographic resources include i.a., the Land and Building Register. The regional geodetic and cartographic resources includes i.a., the Topographic Database at scale of 1:10 000, geodetic and cartographic materials related to: analysis of agrarian structure changes, programming and coordination agriculture works and monitoring changes in land use and soil valuation. The central resources include i.a, orthophotomaps, digital terrain model, soil and agricultural maps. Distributed “leading bodies” are responsible for topics related to agriculture, such as: land parcels, terrain layout, land use, ortho-images, geology, soil and spatial development. The national, regional and county geoportals are web map applications, which operate as access points to network services presenting distributed spatial datasets. They provide improved access to reliable and complete information on voivodeship’s area for all citizens, companies and institutions, including those related to agriculture.
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3. Przegon W., 2016, Geodezja rolna i architektura krajobrazu w kształtowaniu przestrzeni turystycznej: teoria, badania, aplikacje, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rolniczego w Krakowie, Kraków.
4. Woch F., 2008 Wytyczne techniczne do opracowywania programów urządzeniowo - rolnych gmin, Instrukcja upowszechniona, 150, IUNG, Puławy.
File size 3,8 MB ; application/octet-stream ; 1642-4689 ; 10.7163/SOW.52.8
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Mar 25, 2021
Aug 1, 2019
Zdziarski, Stanisław. Polski Zawodowy Związek Rolników i Leśników z wyższym wykształceniem Zakłady Graficzne "Pionier"
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