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Title: The parasitic Hymenoptera in a beech forest on limestone. 1, Species composition, species turnover, abundance and biomass


Ulrich, Werner

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The parasitic Hymenoptera in a beech forest... 1 ; Species composition, species turnover, abundance and biomass


Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Ecology


Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Ecology. Publishing Office

Place of publishing:

Dziekanów Leśny


Pages 261-289 : illustrations ; 27 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 282-284)

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Between 1980 and 1987 a beech forest (Fagus sylvatica) on limestone near Gottingen (FRG) was studied using ground-photo-eclectors. 720 species of Hymenoptera were detected. 669 of the species were parasitoids, 29 phytophagous Tenthredinidae, Cynipidae and Eurytomidae, 9 ants, 4 vespids and 9 nest-building sphecids, megachilids, andrenids and bumble bees. Even after 8 years of sampling a great number of species seems to remain undetected. Estimates of extinction and immigration rates indicate species turnover rates of at least 5 to 10%. The abundance of the parasitic Hymenoptera ranged between 123 ± 23 ( 1981) and 1078 ± 186 ( 1984) ind. m-2 a-1. The most important groups were the parasitoids of Diptera with 56 ± 15 (1981) to 936 ± 164 (1984) ind. m-2 a-1. As judged by the sorting according to parasitoid guild, the parasitoids of gall-makers (23 ± 9 to 880 ± 163 ind. m-2 a-1) and the egg-parasitoids (21 ± 17 to 102 ± 33 ind. m-2 a-1) reached the highestdensities. The biomass of the parasitic wasps ranged between 19 ± 5 ( 1981) and 170 ± 92 (1987) mg DW m-2 a-1 with a mean of 68 mg DW m-2 a-1. In comparison with other important insect taxa this is a low value.


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