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Cormorants in Europe ; Recent trends of cormorants in Britain
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii
Oficyna Wydawnicza Instytutu Ekologii PAN
Pages 71-76 : illiustrations ; 27 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 75-76) ; Abstract in Polish ; Cormorants in Europe. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cormorants in Europe.Gdańsk, Poland 13-17 April 1993
British cormorants breed mainly on the coast, but the number breeding inland is increasing sharply. Overall, the population is increasing by about 3% per annum, with marked regional variations. In the mid-1980s the breeding population was estimated to be 6400-7200 pairs. The wintering population has been increasing more rapidly at 10-25% per annum. In 1987-1991, the winter population averaged on estimated 16 800 birds.
1. Coulson J. C., Brazendale M. G. 1968 – Movements of Cormorants ringed in the British Isles and evidence of colony specific dispersal – Brit Birds 61: 1-21.
2. Debout G., Rov N., Sellers R. M. 1995 – Status and population development of Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo carbo breeding on the Atlantic coast of Europe – Ardea 83: 47-59.
3. Feare C. J. 1988 – Cormorants as predators at freshwater fisheries – Inst. Fisheries Man. Ann. Study Course 18: 18-42.
4. Kirby J. S., Gilburn A. S., Sellers R. M. 1995 – Status, distribution and habitat use by Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo wintering in Britain – Ardea 83: 93-102.
5. Lloyd C., Tasker M., Partridge K. 1991 – The status of seabirds in Britain and Ireland – Pouser, London.
6. Porter R. 1987 – Wintering Cormorants Survey, 1985/86 – BTO News 150: 11.
7. Walsh P., Sim I., Heubeck M. 1992 – Seabird numbers and breeding success in Britain and Ireland, 1991 – UK Nature Conservation Report No. 6. ; ISSN 0420-9036
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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