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The pressure of Mesocyclops on small zooplankton
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii
Strony 241-257 : ilustracje ; 24 cm ; Bibliografia na stronach 256-257 ; Streszczenie w języku polskim
In a laboratory experiment the food selectivity and the daily food ration of two species of Cyclopidae: Mesocyclops leuckartii (Claus) and M. oithonoides (Sars) were estimated in relation to small zooplankton (rotifers, protozoans, nauplii). Also the possibilities of feeding on plant food (Ceratium) by these predators were investigated. The data allowed to determine the pressure of Mesocyclops on small zooplankton of some Masurian lakes.
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Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Biblioteka Muzeum i Instytutu Zoologii PAN
4 lut 2022
18 lip 2019
Nazwa wydania | Data |
Nr 2. The pressure of pelagic predators of the genus Mesocyclops (Copepoda, Crustacea) on small zooplankton / Karabin A. | 4 lut 2022 |
Stańczykowska, Anna Węgleńska, Teresa
Gliwicz, Zbigniew Maciej
Hillbricht-Ilkowska, Anna Węgleńska, Teresa
Karabin, Andrzej
Karabin, Andrzej
Karabin, Andrzej
Ochocka, Agnieszka
Gliwicz, Zbigniew Maciej