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Title: Pelagic zooplankton (Rotatoria + Crustacea) variation in the process of lake eutrophication. 1, Structural and quantitative features


Karabin, Andrzej

Date issued/created:


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Structural and quantitative features ; Pelagic zooplankton variation


Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Ekologii


Polish Scientific Publishers

Place of publishing:

Łódź ; Warszawa


Pages 567-616 : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (pages 614-616) ; abstract in Polish

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Rotifer and crustacean ecological groups, distinctive of low-trophic-state lakes and eutrophic lakes have been identified. Zooplankton specific composition changes accompanying lake eutrophication occur in steps, over a narrow TSISD (45 -55) range. An increasing dominance of small-bodied species must be looked at as the cause of differences in the response of numbers and biomass to a rising trophic state – a rising trophic state is accompanied by a diminishing of the biomass to numbers (B: N) ratio of the rotifers and crustaceans. On the basis of a statistical analysis a selection has been made of structural characteristics of high bioindicative values, most useful in ecological monitoring.


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Ekologia Polska





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