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Food resources and availability of the eulittoral zone for fish ; Eksperymentalne zwiększenie obsady ryb w stawowym jeziorze Warniak. 1. Zasobność pokarmowa i dostępność dla ryb strefy pobrzeża
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ecology
Strony 583-593 : ilustracje ; 24 cm ; Bibliografia na stronach 591-592 ; Streszczenie w języku polskim
The eulittoral zone is on the average 7% of lake surface and has a high biomass of invertebrate fauna used as food by fish. The availability of this zone decreases in summer due to overgrowing, drying and oxygen deficits. The shore zone area unaccessible in some periods for fish is 11% of the lake surface.
1. Bernatowicz, S. 1969 - Macrophytes in the lake Warniak and their chemical composition - Ekol. Pol. A. 17: 447-467.
2. Just, J., Hermanowicz, W. 1964 - Fizyczne i chemiczne badanie wody do picia i potrzeb gospodarczych - Warszawa, 320 pp.
3. Kajak, Z., Dusoge, K. 1973 - Experimentally increased fish stock in the pond type lake Warniak. IX. Numbers and biomass of bottom fauna - Ekol. Pol. 21: 563-573.
4. Kajak, Z., Zawisza, J. 1973 - Experimentally increased fish stock in the pond type lake Warniak. XIV. The relations between the fish and other biocenotic components (summing up the studies) – Ekol. Pol. 21: 631-643.
5. Kobuszewska, D.M. 1973 - Experimentally increased fish stock in the pond type lake Warniak. XIII. Distribution and biomass of the Lemnaceae and the fauna associated with them - Ekol. Pol. 21: 611-629.
6. Pieczyńska, E. 1972 - Ecology of the eulittoral zone of lakes - Ekol. Pol. 20: 637-732.
7. Prejs, A. 1973 - Experimentally increased fish stock in the pond type lake Warniak. IV. Feeding of introduced and autochthonous non-predatory fish - Ekol. Pol. 21: 465-504.
8. Standard Methods for examination of water and waste water, 1960 – New York, Amer. Publ. Health Assoc. 626 pp.
9. Zachwieja, J. 1965 - Obserwacje nad całkowitym zanikiem tlenu w jeziorze Warniak podczas zimy 1959/1960 - Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol. 13 (26): 29-41.
10. Zachwieja, J. 1973 - Experimentally increased fish stock in the pond type lake Warniak. I. Physical and chemical conditions in lake water - Ekol. Pol. 21: 405-422.
11. Zawisza, J., Ciepielewski, W. 1973 - Experimentally increased fish stock in the pond type lake Warniak. II. Changes of the autochthonous ichtyofauna due to the introduction of carp (Cyprinus carplo L.) and bream [(Abramis brama (L.)] - Ekol. Pol. 21: 423-444.
MiIZ PAN, sygn. P.2840 ; click here to follow the link
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Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Biblioteka Muzeum i Instytutu Zoologii PAN
Feb 4, 2022
Jun 11, 2019
Prejs, Andrzej
Stańczykowska, Anna
Hillbricht-Ilkowska, Anna Węgleńska, Teresa
Pieczyński, Eligiusz
Hillbricht-Ilkowska, Anna Prejs, Andrzej Węgleńska, Teresa
Penczak, Tadeusz
Leśniewski, Paweł Eustachy (1794–1855)