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Title: In the Shadow of the Sacred Bodies. The Monthly Smolensk Commemorations in Krakow


Golonka-Czajkowska, Monika

Date issued/created:


Resource type:



Ethnologia Polona 38 2017 (2018)


Kunz, Magdalena : Tł.


Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences

Place of publishing:



24 cm

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The monthly Smoleńsk commemorations (pol. Miesięcznice Smoleńskie), organised in Krakow, are a special case of politico-religious rituals, which commemorate the tragic event of the presidential plane crash on the 10th April 2010. While for external observers these gatherings appear to be primarily a kind of political demonstration, they mean something more for its participants. Compared to the Warsaw monthiversaries, the Krakow commemorations differ mainly in terms of the nature of the celebration, which is a consequence of the space of national heritage (the mausoleum of Polish kings and National Memorial Cross) and the type of participants. References to religion here are not just a regular, ritual scenography. On the contrary, by referring to the authority and power of the sacred, they are, in great measure, a source of inner strength for this ideological group supporting the governing revolutionary right-wing camp in Poland. This paper will analyse the role of religion in this ritual in order to uncover both the official and vernacular religious practices that create the phenomenon of the monthly Smolensk celebrations in Krakow


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Ethnologia Polona



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