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Archaeologia Polona Vol. 51-52 (2013-2014)
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
This study concerns the Sintashta, Petrovka and Alakul’ cultural groups. They are dated from the 21st to the 15th century cal. BC and the sites are located in the Southern Trans-Urals. One ofthe most impressive traits of the Sintashta, Petrovka and Alakul’ burial grounds is that the subadults constitute between 50% to 80% of all the deceased. Comparing the variations of children’s burial rites, we can conclude that children’s status was probably different in these cultures. We can suppose that the Sintashta rite reflected first of all the vertical stratification while the Petrovka and Alakul’ ones, the kinship relations
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Kupriyanova, E.V. and Zdanovich, D.G. 2015. Drevnosti lesostepnogo Zaural’ya: mogil’nik Stepnoye VII (Antiquities of the forest-steppe Trans-Urals: Stepnoye VII burial ground), Chelyabinsk
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Zdanovich, D.G. 2002. Arkheologiya kurgana 25 Bolshekaraganskogo mogilnika (The Archaeology of the Barrow 25 in the Bolshekaragansky Cemetery). In D.G. Zdanovich (ed.), Arkaim – nekropol, Chelyabinsk, 17-110 ; 0066-5924
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