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Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny
Pages 141-157, 1 folded leaf of plates : illustrations ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (page 156) ; Abstract in Polish
Analysis was made of the occurrence of different species of water mite and of the formation of groupings of Hydracarina in shallow littoral environments. A total of 48 species was found to occur, differin11 as to abundance and de11ree of distribution. The lakes included in the 11roup examined in 11eneral exhibit considerable similarity of the specific composition of Hydracarina. Parallel development of groupings of water mites was found in littorals with and without emer11ent vegetation, characterised by peak abundance in July and maximum percentage of nymphs in August, It was also found that when the number of species increased, the level of the dominatin1 species ,.,,., reduced, while the abundance of individuals increased. With an increase in the abundance of individuals, on the other hand, the level of the dominatin11 species does not alter.
1. Chodorowski, A. 1960 - Taxoceny wirkow (Turbellaria) i metodyka ich badania - Ekol. Pol. B, 6:95-114.
2. Kondracki, J., Mikulski, Z. 1958 - Hydrografia dorzecza Krutyni - Pr. geogr. PAN, 7:87.
3. Kulczyński, S. 1939 - Torfowiska Polesia (I, II) – Kraków, 777 pp.
4. Macan, T.T. 1955 - Littoral fauna and lake types - Verb. int. Vereing, Limnol. 12:608-612.
5. MacArthur, R. 1960 - On the relative abundance of species - Arner. Natural. 94:25-34.
6. Pieczyński, E. 1959 - Wodopójki (Hydracarina) niektórych środowisk litoralowych jeziora Tajty oraz innych jezior mazurskich - Ekol. Pol. A, 7:145-168.
7. Pieczyński, E. 1960 - Kształtowanie się zgrupowań wodopójek (Hydracarina) w różnych środowiskach jeziora Wilkus – Ekol. Pol. A, 8:169-198.
8. Pieczyński, E. 1960a - Charakter zasiedlenia strefy litoralnej jeziora Wilkus przez faunę wodopójek (Hydracarina) – Ekol. Pol. B, 6: 339-346.
9. Stangenberg, M. 1936 - Szkic limnologiczny na tle stosunków hydrochemicznych pojezierza Suwalskiego – Rozpr. Spraw. Inst. bad. Las. państw. 19:7-85.
10.Traczyk, T. 1960 - Badania nad strefą przejścia zbiorowisk leśnych – Ekol. Pol. A, 8: 125.
11. Viets, K. 1924 - Die Hydracarinen der nonldeutschen, hesonders der holsteinischen Seen (Versuch einer Oekologie der Seehydracarioen) - Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. Bd. 4:71-179.
12. Viets, K. 1930 - Quantitative Untersuchungen über die Hydracarinen der norddeutschen Seen - Arch. Hydrobiol., 22: 1-71.
MiIZ PAN, call no. P.2840 ; click here to follow the link
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2022
Mar 4, 2019
Pieczyński, Eligiusz
Pieczyński, Eligiusz
Pieczyński, Eligiusz
Pieczyński, Eligiusz Prejs, Andrzej
Czechowska, Wiesława Radchenko, Alexander G. Czechowski, Wojciech
Pieczyński, Eligiusz