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Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny
Pages 355-367 ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (page 365) ; Abstract in Polish
The artificial increasing of the abundance of larvae of Tendipes plumosus L. in experimental cages on the bottom of a lake exerts an unfavourable influence on the growth and development, and also on the survival, of the larvae of this and some other species. Artificially increased abundance of the large larvae of T. plumosus was not in general maintained - it fell to a level only slightly higher (or even lower) than in the lakce. These facts, evidence of the strong interaction of the benthos organisms, took place even when the abundance of the benthos was relatively small. The reduction in numbers taking place is not however evidence that more numerous fauna cannot live in this habitat, since in many cases a spontaneous growth in numbers of T. plumosus and also of other species was found. It is, however, probably only possible as a result of the gradual changes in conditions taking place in the cage during the duration of the experiment.
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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Kajak, Zdzisław
Kajak, Zdzisław
Kajak, Zdzisław
Kajak, Zdzisław
Kajak, Zdzisław Pieczyński, Eligiusz
Kajak, Zdzisław
Grzybkowska, Maria