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Productivity of confined populations ; Ogólne uwagi o produktywności zamkniętych populacji
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ekologiczny
Pages 617-624 ; 24 cm ; Bibliographical references (page 623) ; Abstract in Polish
It was found that in confined populations of Paramecium, Tribolium castaneum, T. confusum and mice productivity (from a unit of population area) decreases with an increase in the size of the population area. This is considered as a general rule, and the hypothesis that the ecological structure of the population is responsible for this phenomenon is put forward and discussed.
1. Grębecki, A., Petrusewicz, K. 1963 - Density and size of medium in populations of Paramecium caudaturn – Ekol. Pol. A 11: 589-600.
2. Odum, E. P. 1959 - Fundamentals of ecology, Philadelphia - London, 562 pp.
3. Petrusewicz, L. 1957 - Investigation of experimentaly induced population growth - Ekol. Pol. A, 5: 281-309.
4. Petrusewicz, K. 1960 - Some regularities in male and female numerical dynamic in mice populations - Acta theriol. 4: 103-137.
5. Petrusewicz, K. 1963 - Population growth induced by disturbance in the ecological structure of the population - Ekol. Pol. A, 11: 85-123.
6. Petrusewicz, K., Trojan, P. 1963 - The influence of the size of the cage on the numbers and density of a self-ranging population of white mice - Ekol. Pol. A, 11: 611-614.
7. Petrusewicz, K., Prus, T., Rudzka, H. l 963 - Density and size of the medium in populations of Tribolium – Ekol. Pol. A 11: 603-608.
8. Winberg, G. G. 1960- Picrvicnaja produkcja vodojemov - Minsk, 329 pp.
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Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Feb 4, 2025
Mar 4, 2019
Edition name | Date |
Nr 29. General remarks on the productivity of confined populations / Petrusewicz K. | Feb 4, 2025 |
Prus, Tadeusz
Grębecki, Andrzej Petrusewicz, Kazimierz
Grębecki, Andrzej
Prus, Mirosława Prus, Tadeusz B.
Dembowski, Jan (1889–1963)
Cichy, Danuta