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Ethnologia Polona 37 2016 (2017)
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
A crucial factor for the successful establishment of Buddhism among Tibetan and Himalayan societies from the 10th century onwards was the integration of pre-Buddhist local myths into the art and architecture of the new doctrine. Depictions of territorial spiritual forces were incorporated into the Buddhist theological and iconographic systems, while lhathos, archaic chairns that were considered as seats of local guardians, became part of the specific architecture in the whole Himalayan landscape. The following article presents a few case-studies to describe the beginning of this phenomenon and discuss further developments. The specific interest is on the physical transfer of lhathos into orthodox Buddhist temples and their installation in eminent positions inside assembly halls or even inside main niches of a sanctum
Bellini C. (in print). Some Pieces of the Puzzle: The Restoration of the Alchi gSum brtsegs by bKra shis rNam rgyal and Other Considerations
Denwood P. 2015. The Dating of the Sumtsek Temple at Alchi. In E. Lo Bue and J. Bray (eds.), Art and Architecture in Ladakh. Cross-Cultural Transmissions in the Himalayas and Karakorum, Leiden – Boston, 159–166
Francke A. H. 2014. Antiquities of Indian Tibet. Vol. 1 Personal Narrative. Archaeological Survey of India. Calcutta (reprint 1994 Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi)
Goepper R. 1990. Clues for the Dating of the Three-storeyed Temple (Sumtsek) in Alchi, Ladakh. In Asiatische Studien: Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde 44 (2), 159–175
van Ham P. 2011. Ladakh’s Missing Link? The Murals of Tragkhung Kowache. In Orientations 42 (5), Hong Kong, 50–57
Jahoda C. 2006. Bemerkungen zur Tradition einer weiblichen Schutzgottheit (srung ma) in Tabo (Spiti Tal, Himachal Pradesh, Indien). In A. Gingrich and H. Guntram (eds.), Der Rand und die Mitte: Beiträge zur Sozialanthropologie und Kulturgeschichte Tibets und des Himalaya, Vienna, 11–54
Kalantari C. 2010. Courtly Cavaliers, Mounted Heroes and Pehar. In E. Lo Bue and C. Luczanits (eds.), Tibetan Art and Architecture in Context, Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Eleventh Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies held at Koenigswinter 2006, Halle/Saale, 75–120
Kozicz G. 2008–2009. From Mainamati to Nyarma: Remarks on the Development from Cruciform to Oblong-shaped Temple Lay-outs, Journal of Bengal Art 13 &14, Dhaka, 9–21
Kozicz G. 2010. The Architectural Matrix of the Alchi Sumtsek, Indo-Asiatische Zeitschrift 14, Berlin, 31–41
Kozicz G. 2014. The Tsugla Khang of Tabo and the Three-dimensionality of the Vajradhatu Mandala. In P. van Ham (ed.), Tabo – Gods of Light, Munich, 71–75
Lobsang Zotpa. Rin.chen bzang.po’i rnam.thar
Luczanits C. 2003. Art-historical Aspects of Dating. In I. Kreide-Damani (ed.), Dating Tibetan Art, Wiesbaden
de Nebesky-Wojkowitz R. 1956. Oracles and Demons of Tibet. The Cult and Iconography of Tibetan Protective Deities, The Hague (reprint Kathmandu 1993)
Shakspo N. T. 2012. A Cultural History of Ladakh. Centre for Research on Ladakh, Sabu-Leh
Snellgrove D. and Skorupski T. 1980. The Cultural Heritage of Ladakh II: Zangskar and the Cave Temples of Ladakh, Warminster
Vitali R. 1999. Records of Tho.ling: A Literary and Visual Reconstruction of the “Mother” Monastery in, Dharamshala ; 0137-4079
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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