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21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
1. Adams Hazard, Titles, Titling, and Entitlement To, “The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism” 1987, vol. 46, nr 1.
2. Buchloh Benjamin, Painting as Diagram. Five Notes on Frank Stella’s Early Paintings, 1958-1959, “October” 2013, vol. 143.
3. Deconstruction and the Visual Arts. Art, Media, Architecture, red. P. Brunette, D. Wills, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1994.
4. Frank Stella, kat. wyst., Hayward Gallery, London 1970.
5. Frank Stella: The Black Paintings, kat. wyst., red. B. Richardson, Baltimore Museum of Art 1976
6. Frank Stella i synagogi dawnej Polski, kat. wyst., red. A. Tanikowski, Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich Polin, Warszawa 2016.
7. Fried Michael, Art and Objecthood. Essays and Reviews, University of Chicago Press, Chicago–London 1998.
8. Gibson Ann, Abstract Expressionism’s Evasion of Language, “Art Journal” 1988, vol.47, nr 3
9. Godfrey Mark, Abstraction and the Holocaust, Yale University Press, New Haven 2007.
10. Greenberg Clement, The Collected Essays and Criticism, red. J. O’Brian, vol. 3 i vol. 4, University of Chicago Press, Chicago – London 1993.
11. Krauss Rosalind, Oryginalność awangardy i inne mity modernistyczne, przeł. M. Szuba, słowo/obraz terytoria, Gdańsk 2011.
12. Leider Philip, Literalness and Abstractness. Frank Stella’s Retrospective, “Artforum” 1970, vol. 8, nr 8.
13. Newman Barnett, Selected Writings and Interviews, red. J. O’Neil, Alfred Knopf Publ., New York 1990.
14. O’Doherty Brian, Frank Stella and a Crisis of Nothingness, “New York Times” 19.01.1964: (dostęp 11.05.2016).
15. Olin Margaret, The Nation without Art. Examining Modern Discourses on Jewish Art, University of Nebraska Press, London 2001.
16. Quigley T. R., Ortodox Formalism and the Metaphysics of Pictorialism, “The Kenyon Review” 1987, vol. 9, nr 4.
17. Raphael Melissa, Judaism and the Visual Image: A Jewish Theology of Art, London – New York 2009.
18. Reading Abstract Expressionism. Context and Critique, red. E. Landau, Yale University Press, New Haven – London 2005.
19. Rich Sarah, Bridging the Generation Gaps in Barnett Newman’s ‘Who is Afraid of Red, Yellow, and Blue?’, “American Art” 2005, vol. 19, nr 33.
20. Rubin William, Frank Stella, Museum of Modern Art, New York 1970.
21. Saltzman Lisa, Awangarda i kicz raz jeszcze. O etyce reprezentacji, przeł. K. Bojarska, „Literatura na Świecie” 2004, nr 1-2.
22. Sixteen Americans, kat. wyst., red. D. Miller, Museum of Modern Art, New York 1959.
23. Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art. A Sourcebook of Contemporary Artists’ Writings, red. K. Stiles, P. Selz, University of California Press, Berekely – Los Angeles –London 1996. ; 0867-0633 ; 10.18318/td.2017.4.4
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Dec 13, 2022
Sep 27, 2018
Edition name | Date |
Rejniak-Majewska A. - Idiomy uniwersalizmu i imiona własne. Frank Stella a amerykański formalizm | Dec 13, 2022 |
Leśniak, Andrzej
Rajkowska, Joanna Dauksza, Agnieszka
Kotus, Jacek
Bazarnik, Katarzyna Fajfer, Zenon