RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Odradzanie wsi? Przemiany ludnościowo-osadnicze na ziemi kłodzkiej w okresie powojennym = Rural revival? Changes in population and settlement pattern of the Kłodzko region in the post-war period


Latocha, Agnieszka ORCID

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Studia Obszarów Wiejskich = Rural Studies, t. 48



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24 cm

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The aim of the study was to assess the changes of population and settlement pattern, which occurred in the Kłodzko region in the post-war period. Particular attention was paid to villages that have been severely depopulated or vanished – the research question was whether the processes that are taking place in such places today can be described as rural revival. The analysis was based on statistical data from pre- and post-war censuses, pre-war and contemporary cartographic materials and data on annual permits issued for single-family housing development. Fieldwork has also been carried out, including inventory and interviews. In the post-war period polarization of population-settlement processes took place. In the periphery there was depopulation and degradation of buildings, while in the center of the region and around the cities an increase in new buildings was observed, which intensified after 1989. Repair and modernization of old buildings have also become common since that time. In most of the vanished and heavily depopulated villages, some social and economic movements have taken place in recent years. The article presents typology of processes currently observed in these areas. This allows to conclude that in the spatial-landscape dimension one may ascertain revival of some villages in the context of appearing new buildings and residents or renovations of old farmsteads. However, the type and function of the new developments and their layout often do not refer to the old structure and function of the village, thus they do not represent the literal revival of the previous functional-spatial system. Some depopulated villages also have important cultural and social functions.


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