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Vol. 2 (2015) - Special Issue - English Edition
21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
1. Barnett Newman. Selected Writings and Interviews, ed. J. P. O’Neill (New York: Knopf, 1990).
2. P. Crowther, “Barnett Newman and the Sublime,” Oxford Art Journal, 7 (2) (1984): 52-56.
3. S. Guilbaut, Jak Nowy Jork ukradł ideę sztuki nowoczesnej. Ekspresjonizm abstrakcyjny, wolność i zimna wojna [How New York Stole the Idea of Modern Art], (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985), trans. E. Mikina (Warsaw: Hotel Sztuki, 1992).
4. Th. Hess, Barnett Newman, (New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1971).
5. M. Leja, “Barnett Newman’s Solo Tango,” Critical Inquiry, 21 (1995): 556-580.
6. M. Leja, Reframing Abstract Expressionism. Subjectivity and Painting in the 1940s, (New Haven–London: Yale University Press, 1993).
7. J. F. Lyotard, “Newman. The Instant,” in The Lyotard Reader, ed. A. Benjamin, (Oxford: Blackwell, 1991).
8. J. F. Lyotard, “Wzniosłość i awangarda,” [“The Sublime and the Avant-Garde”] trans. M. Bieńczyk, Teksty Drugie, 2/3 (1996): 173-189.
9. F. Nietzsche, Narodziny tragedii, albo Grecy i pesymizm [The Birth of Tragedy], trans. and intro. B. Baran (Kraków: Inter-Esse, 1994).
10. J. Rushing, “Decade of Decision,” Art Journal, 54 (1) (1995): 90.
11. J. Rushing, “The Impact of Nietzsche and Northwest Coast Indian Art on Barnett Newman’s Idea of Redemption in the Abstract Sublime,” Art Journal, Fall (1988): 187-195.
12. I. Sandler, The New York School. The Painters and Sculptors of the Fifties (New York: 1978).
13. The School of New York exhibition catalogue, Perls Gallery, Beverly Hills, California, 1951.
14. R. Shiff, “Criticism at Odds with Its Art. Prophecy, Projection, Doubt, Paranoia,” Common Knowledge, 9 (3) (2003): 455-456.
15. S. Zucker, “Confrontations with Radical Evil. The Ambiguity of Myth and the Inadequacy of Representation,” Art History, 24 (3) (2001): 379-400. ; 0867-0633 ; 10.18318/td.2015.en.2.9
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Dec 13, 2022
Apr 4, 2017
Edition name | Date |
Rejniak-Majewska A. - Image as a Situation: Tragedy, Subjectivity and Painting According to Barnett Newman | Dec 13, 2022 |
Rejniak-Majewska, Agnieszka
Rejniak-Majewska, Agnieszka
Rejniak-Majewska, Agnieszka
Rejniak-Majewska, Agnieszka