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21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
1. E. Apter, Global translatio: the „invention” of comparative literature, Istanbul, 1933, „Critical Inquiry” 2003 no. 29.
2. J. Arac, Anglo-globalism?, „New Left Review” no. 16.
3. I. Even-Zohar, Polysystem studies, „Poetics Today” 1990 no. 1.
4. L. Forster, The icy fire: five studies in European Petrarchism, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1969.
5. J. Fucilla, Estudios sobre el petrarquismo en Espana, CSIC, Madrid 1960.
6. R. Greene, Post-Petrarchism: origins and innovationsof the Western lyric sequence, Princeton University Press, Princeton 1991.
7. G. Hoffmeister, Petrarkistische Lyrik, J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart 1973.
8. W. Kennedy, Authorizing Petrarch, Cornell University Press, Ithaca 1994.
9. E. Kristal, „Considering coldly…”: a response to Franco Moretti, „New Left Review” no. 15.
10. M. P. Manero Sorolla, Introduccion al estudio del petrarquismo en Espana, PPU, Barcelona 1987.
11. A. Meozzi, Il petrarchismo europeo (secolo xvi), Vallerini-Editore, Pisa 1934.
12. Modern European literature: a geographical sketch, „New Left Review” 1994 no. 1, s. 109
13. F. Moretti, Conjectures on world literature, „New Left Review” 2000 no. 1.
14. F. Moretti, More conjectures, „New Left Review” 2003 no. 20 (marzec-kwiecień), s. 73-81.
15. I. Navarrete, Orphans of Petrarch: poetry and theory in the Spanish Renaissance, Univeristy of California Press, Berkeley 1994.
16. F. Orsini, Maps of Indian writing, „New Left Review” no. 13.
17. J. Parla, The object of comparison, „Comparative Literature Studies” 2004 no. 41.
18. Planet Hollywood, „New Left Review” 2001 no. 9, s. 101.
19. Ch. Prendergast, Negotiating world literature, „New Left Review” no. 8.
20. D. Sassoon, On cultural markets, „New Left Review” no. 17. ; 0867-0633 ; 10.18318/td.
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Jul 10, 2024
Oct 11, 2016
Edition name | Date |
Moretti F. - Więcej przypuszczeń | Jul 10, 2024 |
Moretti, Franco Czapliński, Przemysław
Czapliński, Przemysław
Czapliński, Przemysław